Hen Party by perryvic (PG)
Tiffany was beginning to regret ever asking Nanny Ogg to be involved in preparations for her impending marriage to Preston.
The Chuck Writes Story: An Unauthorized Fandom Biography by
lettered (PG13)
Chuck decides to make a sock-puppet. When no one reads his fic, he wonders what he has to do to get noticed in SPN fandom.
Always Be a Good Boy by
glorious_spoon (PG13)
Dean has a practical streak. Sometimes Sam thinks he takes it a little too far. Missing moments from Folsom Prison Blues.
Tomorrow Belongs to Me by valtyr (PG15?)
Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn't think much of it, and it's dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole momument at Arlington he's rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Mr. July by
jibrailis (R)
Four copies of Under the Spandex 2012 had turned up with the mail on the kitchen table, where Tony picked them up. He peeled open the clingy plastic wrap and flipped through one of the calendars. “Huh,” he said, and put it back down again. Then he very calmly and very majestically got on the phone with Pepper.
My Secret is Fatally Gorgeous by
total_fangirl (R)
Vampire Diaries
Elena is starting to believe she is cursed to love men she should not want; Alaric is starting to believe he is cursed to love women he cannot keep.
Drown in the Moment With Me by
total_fangirl (PG13)
Vampire Diaries
They really aren't that different at all. And the moment Elena realizes that is the moment she realizes not loving Damon Salvatore has never been a choice.
Her Heart Beat Like a Wolf by
netgirl_y2k (PG)
A Song of Ice and Fire
There must always be a Stark in Winterfell, or: Sansa goes home.
Dulce et Decorum by laine (NC17)
A Song of Ice and Fire
Queen Sansa Baratheon asks Jaime Lannister for his assistance in a matter of great importance. Alternate universe, Jaime/Sansa.
Someone Must Protect You by just_a_dram (R)
A Song of Ice and Fire
As the battle draws to a close, Sansa waits in Jaime's tent. Set post ADWD.
The Deep Indigo Night by
portraitofafool (R)
Criminal Minds/Supernatural
Sam Winchester, the BAU team, in the year that Sam hunted on his own or with the Campbells, he was willing to make several necessary sacrifices just to get his targets. The BAU follows his trail. How do the BAU profile a soulless man?
A Mercy Even as The Darkness Hardens by
igrockspock (PG13)
Harry Potter
When Bellatrix witnesses Snape showing mercy to a prisoner, Narcissa must find a way to save him from the Dark Lord's fury.
Come As You Are by perdiccas (PG13)
Criminal Minds/Terminator: TSCC
The BAU travel to LA to help resolve an unusual hostage situation.
Born for Adversity by
katiekins22 (R)
It’s been awhile since Eliot saw his little brother.
The Case of the Interloper by
imogenedisease (PG13)
“What if I told you I knew the world’s only consulting detective?” Eames asks.
“I’d ask what the fuck that is,” Arthur says, and Eames only answers with a huff of laughter.