10 miscellaneous and crossover recs

Dec 17, 2009 12:44

Ain't Right by ana_grrl (PG13)
Jayne reacting to Crazy Space Incest.

Heteronormativity, Gender Construction, and Non-Verbal Signalling in Intercultural Communication Situations (A Comedy) by mad_maudlin (PG13)
Stargate Atlantis
In which Teyla may be plotting something, Keller may be delusional, Ronon may be cheating and John may in fact be the girl. No pudding cups were injured in the production of this fanfic.

How Becky Totally Saved the World Without Becoming a Mary Sue or: PLEASE R&R OR I'LL NEVER WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER by girl_wonder (PG13)
The upside of living with a prophet was the fanfic. And the forewarning of the apocalypse. But, mostly the fic.

A Complete History of Noah Puckerman, Abridged by them0rgue (PG15?)
“Born with it?” Rachel pauses, meeting Puck’s gaze. “Let me tell you a few things about Noah Puckerman.”

God Put a Smile Upon Your Face by Lila2 (PG13)
Eight Times Someone in Glee was a Friend to Quinn Fabray and One Time Someone Was a Little Bit More

In a Giddy Whirl by waldorph (R)
Puck is a bad ass motherfucker.

Recommended Daily Allowance by monimala (R)
She's gotten used to Crews' fruit thing.

oh lord it really brings me down about this devil town by austen (NC17)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/Friday Night Lights/Supernatural
In November, Dillon gets its first vampires.

How Are the Mighty Fallen: An Instruction Manual
by roga (PG13)
There were two big differences, Matt felt, between Ankh Morpork and New York City

You think this is hard? Try being the Michael Sword - that's hard! by maskedfangirl (PG)
Sue Sylvester is the next choice for the Michael Sword, and she doesn't appreciate this misogynist apocalypse!

glee, discworld, friday night lights, buffy the vampire slayer, supernatural, heroes, life, crossover, angel, firefly, stargate: atlantis

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