After this...]
"And this door will lead me to your world?" Strahan asked his companion, who nodded. "Are you sure there is a door here at all? I see no such thing."
"That's because you're Bound. I know enough about the bar to know the Bound can't see the door that leads to the Unbound's respective worlds. But when I open it, you should be able to see where we're going." Rabastan was being patient; he knew that he was the key to the Wizarding World. He just had to hope that Rabastan-the-key opened into the right part of the Wizarding World, and two things were not the right part: the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort's hideout.
Well, there were others, like the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, but they weren't as big a worry as the first two.
"I'm going to open the door now-" Rabastan started, then demanded, "Are you really intending to take those animals with you?"
"I have every intention of bringing my wolves and hawk with me. I know too little of your world, and what I do know is based upon what you have told me. If there are any hostiles in your world I will need protection."
It wasn't entirely true; Strahan had the shapechange at his beck as well as his animals. If anyone attacked him he could turn himself into an animal to ward his assailants off. But Rabastan didn't know that; he only knew about Strahan's lupine and raptorine companions. The knowledge of Strahan's shapechange would come later.
"There are hostiles; you can be sure of that," Rabastan said darkly. "I told you of them."
"The Death Eaters. Yes you told me."
Rabastan placed his hand upon something that Strahan could not at first see. At first. There was a ripple and a shudder; a flicker and a strange materialisation that could only be described as the antithesis of disintegration or dissolution. And at last the doorknob-followed by the door itself-could be seen.
"Let me take a shufti first to see if anyone's there, and if it's clear, we'll go." And holding the doorknob in his hand, Rabastan poked his head through the crack. There was nothing there but an open expanse of English countryside, without a house of any kind for miles about. But Rabastan knew this place; this was the edge of his family estate-or what was left of it. There was no danger to be found; not here.
"It's safe. You can proceed now."
With those words, Strahan, Rabastan, the wolves and the hawk entered the Wizarding World to wait out the storm Milliways faced.