Title: Friday 13th
Series: Saiyuki/Gaiden Crossover
Pairing: supposed Kenren/Hakkai, Kenren/Tenpou
Rating: PG-13? (everything's implied.)
AN: Inspired by this picture:
http://www2.ocn.ne.jp/~tokei-a/illust-26.html Honestly, there has to be a story behind that. So... This is what I came up with. found the picture through
ditch_gospel's post of the 90 fansites. It was on "Clock Factory", a beautiful 58 site. But I digress. I originally called it "Serendipitous Halloween," but that wasn't so good.... so...
mystsaphyrgave me that title. Thanks Myst!!
unbetaed, except by me. Any and all mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: Characters owned by Kazuya Minekura
(cross posted to Saiyukiyaoi)
((sorry for spamming people's flists if this doesn't work.))
"Hakkai! Hey, Hakkai!"
The brunet blinked in surprise at distinctly hearing his name from the mass of shoppers. The Sanzo-ikkou had stopped in another non-descript town, and Hakkai had dragged the most semi-willing member to help him carry bags. He wouldn't assume of ordering around the great Sanzo-sama, after all, and he'd rather like to keep his theory of "fan immunity" intact. And after Goku had been fed, the monkey had fallen asleep immediately. They had, after all, been fighting an abnormal amount of youkai lately.
Gojyo were now staring at him curiously. "Ne, Hakkai," the redhead started, "Aren't you going to answer him?"
"Gojyo," Hakkai said, making the most of his teacher-patience. "We are currently four thousand miles from anywhere I've ever been before this journey. It's very unlikely--"
An arm was slung around his shoulder and another wrapped around his waist. The green-eyed man stiffened slightly in surprise as a low voice purred in his ear, "That anyone would know you? C'mon, you've got to remember me…"
Gojyo was staring at him, and Hakkai, knowing that the redhead was the only person who had ever been so capricious with affection, was more than slightly worried. "No, no I don't," he struggled slightly, but the man's arms just tightened.
"Well, there's no way I'd forget you," the man declared, spinning him around, never letting go of his hand. Hakkai had a brief glimpse of black hair and wicked blue eyes before he was kissed.
Shoving the man off of him, Hakkai stumbled a couple of steps back, very, very tempted to summon chi and annihilate this impetuous, annoying, unruly man. But… he couldn't do that, unfortunately. He was human, and apparently innocent, aside from the commotion he was causing.
Said man was grinning widely at him, before his eyes flicked over the stunned brunet's shoulder, and he winked. Gojyo had come up behind Hakkai, simply supporting him with his presence. "Oh, I see how it is," he said teasingly. "You must be Gojyo, right? Good gods, you couldn't shut up about him last time. Good to see you finally got together. Sad to hear that I lost you, but meh. We both got our way. Ne?" he called across the street, waving to someone who was slightly shadowed in the doorway.
The figure just waved back, before motioning to come back. The dark-haired man's grin widened visibly. "Aw, man… I've got to go. Ten-chan's such a bastard sometime. Hey, Gojyo-- you better take care of Hakkai. Don't worry, I'm sure you two'll be fine. He's more than a little repressed, but if you can get him to let loose…" He chuckled deeply, winking.
"General, hurry it up!"
"I'm coming, Marshal. Don't go without me, all right!" Kenren called back, as the other man left the doorway he was leaning against, revealing that he was wearing glasses and was dressed in white, as opposed to black as the other was. "Yeah, I got to go," he said to Hakkai. "Don't forget me, 'kay? Maybe we'll meet up again soon!"
With that last declaration, the black-haired man walked towards the other bespectacled brunet, who grinned wickedly in the other two's direction, before kissing the strange man.
A cart passed between the confused pair and the lovers, and when it pulled past, they were gone.
Gojyo looked expectantly at Hakkai, not saying a word, and just letting the weight of his gaze demand answers.
"I have no earthly idea," Hakkai said, before walking off and looking at his list. "Now, we need to get some apples. They're in season, and they travel fairly well if I pack them carefully."
"Hakkai…" Gojyo groaned, following the exasperating brunet, who was very, very determined to not notice how no one else had seen the two strange men.
Thank you for reading!! ^^