Relationship post!

Oct 17, 2011 14:41

Harvest Moon Hearts taken from sisterofheresy

(And is also on my other RP accounts, so you'll probably be familiar with this heart system thing)

-- Teta absolutely hates you. This is hard to do, since um. Hating isn't exactly Teta's thing.

-- You're an acquaintance. She's neutral--though she's perfectly willing to get to know you better.

-- You're a little more than acquaintance, but less than a friend. She'll enjoy talking to you, and will be happy when you give her conversation and/or company, but that's all. There won't be any trust at this level.

-- You're her friend. She trusts you more than the average bear, but you're not bff level, nor will she let you in on her deeper secrets...or her secrets in general, really.

-- She considers you a close friend. You're closer than her other friends, but you're not her best friend.

-- You're her best friend. This pretty much means that Teta will do whatever it is in her power to help you and make you happy. She's not so much a fightin' type (though if she really has to, she'll beat someone up with a water kettle or something to protect you), but she'll be happy to be the ear you listen to, the pillow you rest on, and the voice of reason. IE, you have your own free psychiatry service.

-- This is the hardest level to get. With Red heart, this means that she's either in love with you, or you're like family to her.

Note: If your character has multiple hearts by their name, it means that their relationship is too complex to be put in one heart alone.

Teta's HMD is here!

Teta's Personality/Current status/Background, etc post is here!

CR/Plotting post is here!

relationships, ooc

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