Ramza Beoulve was a young highborn boy in the country of Erealia, who was born into a family of power and prestige. However, when his dear friends, Delita and Tietra, suffered an early grave, he traveled all around Reial, trying to find himself and somewhere to be.
...Somehow, this led him to the Silvana, as he now is the Quartermaster aboard their vessel.
Shortly after his arrival, however, he found that his best friend from childhood, Delita Heiral, was actually alive, even though Ramza had long thought him dead.
He also had the (dis)pleasure of meeting the Silvana's sole Radio Operator, Gin Ichimaru, who keeps telling him about this issue with the Engine Room...
Add this on top of him wanting to be of some help to the sole cook (at the moment) on the ship, Hikari Gile...
My oh my, what's a Quartermaster to do?