Home Is Where the Pervert Is - KakaIru 100 'Domesticity' Prompt

Sep 14, 2009 10:29

Title: Home Is Where the Pervert Is
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Humor
Prompt: Domesticity
Word Count: 303
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. I only own the plot-bunny.
Notes: No spoilers, general fluff... Well, here's my second try at this! Still trying to get used to word counts. ^_^;

"Is this right?"

"Not quite... Push harder. Yeah, that's the spot."

"You sure this time?"

"Yeah, that's just about perfect. Can't you hurry up, though? We don't have all night."

Kakashi threw his best wounded glare at Iruka as his shoulders slumped from continued exertion. "I'm trying my best, you know."

"Yes, well..."

"It's kind of ridiculous to get this worked up anyhow, 'Ru. It's just a couch."

Iruka flushed slightly, eyes downcast. "I... I know. I just want it to be perfect..."

Boxes were strewn carelessly about the room. While most were empty, a few still remained unpacked. What had been an empty house mere hours ago was steadily coming together as a cozy home. Kakashi was pretty sure this had to do entirely with its occupants, and not the interior decorating that they may or may not have been failing at. Iruka was awfully picky when it came to furniture placement.

"Hey, as long as you're here, love, it is perfect. I applaud your on your choice of location for the couch, given our... habits," Kakashi leered cheerily.

"You couldn't just leave it at the sappy comment?" The corners of Iruka's lips twitched in a valiant effort to hide a grin as he tossed two throw pillows towards the smug jounin.

"Hey!" To Kakashi's credit, he dodged one of them. Not that he was trying very hard.

"Just hurry up and stop goofing off, will you? We have to get to the bedroom sometime, you know."

"My, my, sensei!"

"I meant decorating, you idiot!"

"Oh, I'm sure you did."


"Your one and only!" Kakashi winked roguishly, wrapping his arms around the madly blushing chuunin. His madly blushing chuunin.

That time, Iruka did grin. It was brilliant; pure sunshine wrapped in caramel. "I'm so happy," he breathed, sinking into the embrace.

naruto, kakairu100, drabble, fanfiction, kakairu

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