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sejitsu July 8 2011, 21:53:41 UTC
Me too. T^T I only got to see it because we got the DVD, but I wish I'd been able to see it in the theater...

Cobb/Mal is really moving and wonderful. I just adore how the fandom portrays her, too, despite the fact that we don't see much of her. (since Shade!Mal is quite different) So lovely and sad, though. ;_; That's the main reason I can't ship them actively. TOO SAD FOR ME. *sob*

Those are pretty much my exact thoughts on Arthur/Ariadne, but that's just my opinion. XD Hahaha, sneaky Arthur.

Oh, I adore Eames/Arthur so much. If I HAD to put my finger on why, I'd have to say their banter through the whole movie. They definitely have a history, and their interactions are awesome, even though we don't get to see that many. They are totally sexy together (and apart!). Like... ninja mind thieves in suits. XD How can that not be sexy?

Kakashi is really sneaky like that indeed. XD Actually... the only reason I watched past the first episode of Naruto was because of Iruka. Then when Kakashi was introduced, I dunno, I just kept thinking that they would be amazing together, but I'd never really been part of a fandom before. So when I searched and found that there was an actual KakaIru Comm and all, I was totally sucked in. *w*

Yes, yes, the quality of fanworks in the Inception fandom and particular in the Eames/Arthur part is just astoundingly good. I've become a better artist and writer just by LOOKING AT/READING them. *O* I just really love fandom~

I knooowwww, Time Zones suck. T^T *hug* Don't feel left out, bb! <33


rutheatsu July 8 2011, 22:36:25 UTC
Cobb/Mal is probably my favourite Inception pairing... just because it is so sad, and I love heartbreaking stories. They're so... moving! And heartbreaking! XD (yeah, that made so much sense right now.)

I don't even remember how I got into Naruto at all - all I remember is that I've SADLY started to read chapter 2 and 3, which included Sasuke and Sakura, but not Iruka and Kakashi. Back then, I was 11, and didn't have the money to buy more of that monthly Manga anthology in which Naruto was released... but I got back to it in early 2006, I think. Only because of Kakashi, though... he has such a deep, interesting personality, and even now, after years of exploring it, I still find something new every now and then.

I discovered the KakaIru LJ community rather late, to be honest. ^_^; I was more active in art communities, 'cause I ... don't like writing stuff about myself, and that's what you mainly do in journals, ne? I rather post fanart and pictures, to share my thoughts and feeling with others.

Oh, I... I'm still not an active fanfiction reader. /// I just have so many other things to do whenever I turn on the comp, I feel like I don't have time for reading. ._. I've gotten rather lazy with that, maybe it's because I rarely write for rps nowadays... OTL

Well, as I told you, it's all good. n_n I mean, we're still here, and we're talking. Even if it's just words written on the world wide web, we are still interacting, somehow. And that's what it's about -hugs-!


sejitsu July 8 2011, 23:00:46 UTC
It makes sense, though. I just can't ship it without feeling sad. T^T

I... I'm not sure why I ever watched Naruto (curiosity?), but I got into the fandom super late, compared to almost everyone else. Years and years late. XD Which is funny, because I wasn't even halfway through the original series when I got into it, and then I discovered fandom, and that they actually had moments together, etc. I was blown away; I thought I was odd, but I should have known there would be a few other shippers. XD

I like being part of a fandom because I love reading and writing as well as drawing and looking at art; it's split pretty equal. I love being able to talk meta with people (although I don't a lot because I'm shy) as a fandom; like you said, you learn things about characters that you hadn't noticed before. It's really awesome.

*hug!* We should pchat again sometime soon! Sorry for not uploading them still, I'm so slowwww. ^^;;


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