This has been quite a week!
Monday, the day I had been fearing for days, was not as difficult as I had anticipated. Waking up at six in the morning instead of two in the afternoon was a breeze. Class was too breezy- freezing even. Electronic Design seems like it’ll be a fun and beneficial class. Clay doesn’t like to keep us holed up indoors very much, so he let us out pretty quick.
Monday’s special bit was the free donuts and coffee in the main hall. I never saw any coffee, but there were lots of donuts. Brooke called me and I met up with her and brought Jason and Kyle with me to Panera. I had some pink water. The remaining time of actual break was pretty boring, and I actually checked out the syllabus from Clay’s class.
Doug’s Design History class is going to be interesting. It’s like a history class, but with projects. Actually, I think it’s going to be more like Illustration class with lecture. Who knows? By this time, I also found out that Carly (whom I had three classes scheduled with) would not be making it this quarter due to her ankle. I hope she’s feelin’ less broken ankle’d soon.
After class was over, I headed down LaSalle to Zach’s new place. It’s not too bad, really. I could totally handle a place like that. We headed over to Super America (which was really close) and grabbed some hot dogs and headed back to paint a little. I introduced him to the Mountain Goats and we just sat around a lot. It wasn’t really too much painting, really!
Tuesday was another easy rise, which is really cool because that means Monday wasn’t a fluke! Critical Thinking was the first class of the day. I don’t like being in the basement one bit. The class only has eleven people registered, and I’m pretty sure two to three people wont show up each time. It’s the tiniest class I’ve ever had. The teacher kinda creeps me out, too. We watched Rashômon, a Japanese movie from the 50s. It was pretty good.
Zach cut out of his Typography class a little early and we had some Potbelly’s. It had been ages since, and it was nice goin’ out to lunch downtown.
Next up was class with Lisa! 3D Design mostly scares me. It’s hands-on stuff where we make things. It could be lots of fun, but there’s so a lot of further-along folks that I imagine are a fair amount better. We’ll see!
After class, I headed out to the skyway to meet some friends and we probably had about a dozen people out there the time I was there. Some teacher dubbed it the new student’s lounge while passing. A few of us ended up going back to Potbelly’s to feed Emily.
Zach and Jason with us, we hung out at Potbelly’s for probably about an hour just hanging out. It was a good time. What’s also pretty rad, is Emily ended up giving me a ride home. Free rides are always rad.
Mom was craving Applebee’s, so we headed over there and ate some good food. Later that night, Zach texted me asking me if I was still awake, then called me. This is irrelevant, beside the fact that my grandma called at sometime around 10:30-11:00 just to talk. She has never called my phone, by the way. She wasn’t aware I went to school more than just Monday, and also that it was late. Silly grandma!
Wednesday’s Electronic Design was even colder than the first. There was no medium, as it was melting outside. I got out early like usual and found Kyle at Panera. Design Layout was really uneventful, but I figured out some stuff regarding AIGA with Rachel afterwards. I realized I had a lot to do that night.
This didn’t stop me from laying around moping about and feeling crappy for a few hours before going out to eat with dad. Only after that, did I start on the two page essay due for Critical Thinking tomorrow at eight, or collecting the various kinds of paper for 3D modeling, the AIGA slideshow for the Organization Fair, or any of the reading that I didn’t own the books for in the first place. It was deadly, and I was up until two. Four hours is plenty of sleep, though.
Thursday was busy busy! I was really groggy in the morning and slept in thirty minutes later than usual. This made for the discovery that I can get ready in about half as much time as usual when motivated to!
Critical Thinking was a bit more interactive today, but I had to repeatedly correct the teacher on this movie he had claimed to have seen many times.
On break, I discovered that my break matches up with Holly’s! Hooray! I had my laptop on me for the slideshow, but also had some Tom Goes to the Mayor. We watched some of that in the skyway. Bagley came along and I told him about shirts, AIGA, and my love for Tom Goes to the Mayor.
Eventually, I realized it was time to go to class and I had forgotten to eat lunch. Shoot. 3D Design was a lot less scary today. We were just starting to transition our mind’s from 2D to 3D or something. My structure was a disaster (literally disasters, rather). I also purchased a ridiculously priced ($2) hot dog from the crappy fundraisers downstairs. With the first project complete, Lisa had a little award setup which was really goofy. I actually won “Best Overall”, albeit totally undeserving. The other three finalists were way cooler, even without snakes, lasers, tidal waves, airplanes or radioactive hot dogs.
The Organization Fair was a sleeper. The new location and time slot really didn’t work out. I think about eight graphic design students came in, and at least six of them signed up interest in AIGA, though. Not a complete less, right? I also got a visit from Tasha, my graduating friend who I hadn’t seen in a long while and had also been on the Design Camp trip that my slideshow was all about. That was pretty cool.
That ended and I called Zach to see what he was up to. He was sleeping, apparently through both of his classes now. I end up goin’ over to his house, meeting him in his PJs. We watch some British skit show and some Tom Goes to the Mayor. Many laughs. After the tube watchin’, we shared some musical interests and he had some good stuff. We split because he has to go pick up somebody in Iowa or something.
I walked around for about forty five minutes in the heat with my heavy bag, because I thought I could catch a non rush-hour bus, but I didn’t. On the bus, I was dozing off like I hadn’t done all week. I get a call from Rachel being like “Rararar you’re not at dodgeball!” then another call from Erin saying “Rararar you’re not at dodgeball!” and I was really bummed I wasn’t at dodgeball. Everyone else around here got busy when I tried to make plans, but that actually freed me up to work some t-shirt designs. If I haven’t mentioned it (which I’m pretty sure I haven’t), I’m getting some tees printed with some friends and if you’re interested I’d be glad to let you in on the dealie-o.
Later that night, I played some UT2K4 with Erin, Erik, and Grand Marc folk via Hamachi. That was a lot of fun, and I really got destroyed by Erik. Erin, too, sometimes! My sister and her buddy Bobby were down in the basement watching TV, and he ended up talking to me a bit about games and downloading stuff. I felt guilty. It was a very guilt-stricken day, that Thursday.
Friday was a new day. I woke up and hung out with Josh, helping him out with some stuff. Not so much helping him as accompanying him, I suppose. We got some epoxy for his Mazda 666 and had some tasty Burger King. Jeez it was hot outside!
At home, I helped him a tiny bit with computer and music stuff (or so we thought). My mom needed my help picking up the jeep so we helped her out and got some slushies and picked her up after she dropped the jeep off at Wynnsong.
At home for the second time, Josh and I watched the movie recommended to me by my buddy Lynsee, called Battle Royale. It was pretty badass. Josh took off after the movie so he could see his heavy metal band (who, turns out, had to cancel). I talked to Kopy and Tim and they came over for some 666 Dominos goodness. 666 must have been today’s theme. We also played some games. Josh and Breanne showed up and chilled in my basement, and even Jason Reed showed up for some games.
More important than the actual games themselves, were the hilarious tricks Jason fell for. A lot of that “Say what if you ___” and it must have been late because Jason was a little slow on catching on. After everyone but Jason left, we hung out and I tried ripping Battle Royale. It was to take approximately forever, so I left it on overnight.
I woke up Saturday (whoa, that’s today!) and came down to my laptop where it was ripping and it was only twenty minutes away from finishing. Impatient, I took a shower and came back to check on it. It ripped pretty horribly and choppily, so I ended up deleting it, bummed out.
The only other relevant thing I’ve done today was inquire about an internship at this once place. This would be pretty awesome to get. I need work! I want design work! Hopefully this doesn’t suck!
I now have the house to myself for a few hours, and I don’t really know what to do besides listen to music much louder than necessary. Wish me luck!