It was getting close to a week since I wrote last, and I would’ve written last night but I was too tired at four in the morning after my and Jason’s rockin’ discovery. More on that later, okay? Also, the title is a lot more badass than the content, so you’ve been warned.
Shy of a week ago, Thursday, Kopy and I set off for Prescott, WI. I thought that’s where my buddy Sara from school worked, at a fireworks shop, but we found out that she doesn’t (I think). Normally I’d have to photographically document this event, but those slippery pockets on my pants were especially slippery that day and had caused my camera to fall into the couch as I lounged waiting for Kopy.
Memorable bits from this adventure included the Burger King crowns which were actually really functional. It kept my hair from going too crazy and kept my head cool. Oh, and it’s pretty stylish, too.
Kopy’s stereo, albeit pretty good sounding, would continuously overheat. This was a bummer, because we had some pretty rockin’ tunes. We had Bob Marley playing and passed Jamaica St., which was really hilarious at the time.
I think we spent about $70 on fireworks, with a value of much greater than $70 because of some kind of deals. It was pretty fun setting some of them off. Did you know that it’s a felony to shoot fireworks out of a moving vehicle? We didn’t either, at the time.
Josh and Chase joined us for that shenanigans, and we wound up at Perkins later. We all had a good time just hangin’ out, I’d say.