Halloween was pretty nifty. After work I headed to mike's house, helped Chrissy to spike Bob's hair. Which ended up with some impressive altitude. Didn't have the time, energy, or blue goo to do full hawkish, so I added a shank stick on the back of his head instead.
I looked kick ass with bandana and mikes eye patch, but he was wearin it. Chrissy ditched her dress for more comfortable attire.
We finished Bob spelunking helmet and headed up to Glendale. Tons of people there. Ran into lots of peoples I haven't seen in forever. Alyssa I demand you post those pics(wait, was that yer camera? either way I must see!) I'll pull the pics from my cellie at another time.
Hung around there, wallgreens to deny buying some little kids from kickball eggs. Hooligans.
Ran into mike and got a kick ass picture of him. heh.
Back to glendale. Half black mike showed up with his pump paintball gun and shot a few peoples. Gave the gun to his friend who started unloading on a crowd of chicks, so I yelled at him and he started shooting me, so I chased after him and punched him in the face. When he started shooting me I ran at him but he jammed the gun, then he said 'We're cool. We're cool' which I didn't really understand. He threw eggs at me and i was so tempted to taunt him more, but considering his friend was there and It wouldn't have surprised me if one had a knife I didn't push it that far. Assholes piss me off. Woulda been kinda fun to get shanked in front of the police station though.
Went to chrissies then to BK, chatted with Jessica a bunch about music. She wanted to be smuggled into the kids play tube, but they closed it off. Frown town 8[ Was much fun though. She still needs to send me a ton of songs.
Bob dissapeared for awhile, but we ran into him later. Found some cool ass glass flowers in a free crap box. Picked myself a thistle too.
Wandered back to my house with Bob, Jess, and Tayla. But owing to work I had to leave them out.
Good Night.
next day was chrissies birthday, got her a corset belt, some nifty buckled arm warmer gloveletts, and a shiny red necklace.
Also got myself a cool knitted beanie with a short visor. Erin at work says I look like a slacker in it, so thats what she called me all day today. Hung at mikes for a time then came home to stress, cleaning, finally finding my passport.
Work today was really busy as Zili was out sick, but it was nice so I could work at my full pace without him getting in my way. The day went by real fast. Came home to a fire in the dumpster a building over from me.
Thought a bit about halloween and that kid with the paintball gun today. Seeing something you feel strongly against and doing something about it really empowers you. I'm not all that sure I'd even win in a fight, that part is irrelevent, but just the knowing that I know where I stand and I'm not afraid to stand up for myself or others if I feel the situation merits it. Makes me feel good about myself 8)
My brother Matt broke up with his girlfriend, Laura of 9 years. She practically lived at my house in Topsfield. Funnily, when we ran into her at King Richard's Faire she kept casually directing me to her friend Lauren Kate, whom my brother mentioned briefly. He just told me she's married. Thoroughly amusing.
Father is going away this thursday. Thinking of having people over on the weekend. Not too many people, not sure when. I'll sort stuff out and give out calls or Messages.
Now I got to get me some world of warcraft and loud music to unwind, maybe some reading in front of the fire later. Planning on just chillin out tonite.