(no subject)

Sep 11, 2010 17:27

Player Name: Captain
Personal LJ: wings_of_cover
E-mail: wings.of.cover@gmail.com
AIM: wingsofcover
Other characters currently in-game: Iron Man, James Rogers, Sheogorath, Emperor Cole, Sub-Zero
Who referred you to the game?:

Character Name: Albert Wesker

Canon source: Resident Evil


Personality: Albert Wesker is a very cold, callous, and calculating man. He has no regard for the lives of others, and sees people as tools to be used to further his own ambition, or as obstacles that need to be removed. Wesker covets power above all else, his own power as an enhanced human, the power and influence a large corporation can provide. He has come to believe that power is more important than anything else, and will do anything in pursuit of more power.

He is an incredibly skilled actor and manipulator, as he worked undercover infiltrating the Raccoon City police department for years, and was able to pull off a moderately successful betrayal that left everyone thinking he was dead (for a while, at least). He is good at determining the motivations, faults, and strengths of others to use to his own advantage. Most of the time Wesker remains cold and distant, although he isn't above allowing, and even subtly encouraging or going along with romantic interest in his direction if it furthers his plans.

Wesker has fairly good command of his emotions, although he holds a strong grudge against Chris Redfield for ruining his plans at the Spencer estate. While dealing with Chris, Wesker's deep seated rage is much more apparent than at other times. But when he does get provoked, Wesker tends to lose control of himself, and there are a few issues that will easily send him into a rage.

He is very ruthless, and even borders on sadistic with people he doesn't like. When it gets personal, Wesker has a difficult time being practical about enemies, and the more he hates them, more he shows error in judgment when it comes to killing them. Wesker's enjoyment of taunting people as they die goes back as far as the assassination of Dr. Marcus.

Wesker is also very prideful, and considers himself far superior to others. He enjoys demonstrating his superior strength and speed, and his inhuman eyes to an extent, as he later abandons sunglasses that conceal his eyes completely in favor of a pair that still allow his eyes to be seen while they aren't glowing brightly. Wesker is skilled at manipulating pride and vanity in others, but is blind to his own ego issues.


In the 1960's, the founders of Umbrella began a project that would span decades. They began by taking the children of the greatest minds and best innovators of their time and placing them in the care of Umbrella operatives that would raise the children with very special conditioning.

They would be ambitious, have a very specific set of morals that coincided with Spencer's view of his ideal world, and would help usher in a new era over which Spencer would reign as a god. Each child was also programmed to eventually seek out Spencer so he could use those who survived the ordeal of the experiment to bring about a new world order.

The project was named after the Doctor that headed it, and all the children were given his surname: Wesker.

Albert Wesker, however, knew nothing of this, and when he became a Doctor at age 17 and was hired by Umbrella to be a researcher, he thought it was entirely based on his own merit, and not some grand scheme. He had thought himself to be without equal, and was unfortunately faced almost immediately with a man that was capable of both challenging and exceeding him, Dr. William Birkin, who arrived on the same day Wesker had, and was two years younger.

Both took high ranking positions in the Arklay Research facility, much to the resentment of their elders. Dr. Marcus took note of the two, and decided to take them on as his chosen students. Dr. Marcus attempted to use some of his assistants to foster an unfriendly rivalry between Wesker and Birkin without any success.

The two were very close in intelligence and temperament, and worked together well. Only a few months after Wesker and Birkin arrived, Dr. Marcus made a breakthrough while working with the Progenitor virus, and he named the new virus 't' for 'tyrant'.

Ten years after the initial inception of the t-virus, it is finally brought to completion. Spencer sent Wesker and Birkin to eliminate Dr. Marcus, who had outlived his usefulness, and to take his research. In exchange for taking part in this, Wesker and Birkin attempt to take the viral research to the next level and create the ultimate humanoid Bio-weapon, which will be named 'Tyrant'.

However, the gene necessary to produce a tyrant was incredibly rare, possessed by only one in ten million, so the research came to a standstill (this problem would later be solved by cloning a man that would be Wesker's superior, Sergei Vladimir).

Out of this frustration came the discovery of the wildly uncontrollable G-virus, which Dr. Birkin discovered in a long standing test subject known as Patient Zero. Wesker's conditioning to think and seek out Spencer had become increasingly more active, and he tried to determine Spencer's motivation for seeking the creation of such a vastly destructive and uncontrollable weapon. To seek that information, Wesker realized a career change would be necessary. He resigned from his position as head researcher and took a job as an infiltration agent.

To Wesker's surprise, Birkin's research proposal for the G-virus was accepted, leading Wesker to even more questions regarding Spencer's motives.

Two years before the incident that would destroy Raccoon City, Wesker became Captain of the newly formed Special Tactics and Rescue Squad at the Raccoon City police department. This unit would be trained to deal with hazardous situations that were beyond even SWAT's ability to handle, and move also places Wesker in a good position to eventually betray Umbrella.

Two years later, Dr. Marcus rose from the grave (he had been infected by one of his precious leeches on the day he was killed) and infected the Arklay Training Facility, the Ecliptic Express (train that ran to the Training Facility), and the Spencer Estate. Wesker and Birkin were given some Umbrella Soldiers and orders to retake the training facility.

Wesker dispatched S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team to investigate local cannibalistic murders to stop the public outcry at police incompetence, and their helicopter malfunctioned due to sabotage and crash landed in the mountains near the research facility. Rebecca, medic of Bravo team, encountered Billy Coen, escaped military convict. The two managed to dispose of Dr. Marcus, saving Wesker and Birkin the trouble. However, the two agreed that the facility needed to be destroyed.

(This is where the AU divergence happens)
Wesker decided to step up the time table on his plan to betray Umbrella, Birkin had completed his work on the G-virus early and was ready to depart. On his way out, Wesker encountered his superior, Sergei Vladimir, and fought against the two 'Ivan' Tyrants that acted as Sergei's body guards. The fight ended when the self destruct that Birkin set went off. Sergei, the bodyguards, and Wesker all survived.

Wesker returned to Raccoon City and took S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team out to the Spencer mansion. He took with him an experimental virus given to him by Birkin. Unknown to Wesker at the time, all of the Wesker children were being given the virus, voluntarily, involuntarily, or in secret. Wesker knew he would have to be killed at some point to get away with his betrayal, and as the grand finale of his act as Captain of S.T.A.R.S. grew near, Wesker injected himself with the virus.

In the basement, he unleashed the Tyrant on his subordinates. The Tyrant promptly killed Wesker before being defeated. It revived due to its regenerative abilities and left to pursue the survivors. Shortly after that, Wesker revived as well, and escaped. His goal had been lost, he had planned to defect and take good combat data and the secrets of Umbrella with him, but between Sergei and the S.T.A.R.S. his plans were ruined, and Wesker left with nothing but his own new found powers and new life.

Several months after they faked their death, Wesker and Birkin sought to retrieve the G-virus and Birkin's daughter from the raccoon facility using an operative named Ada Wong. Ada was able to retrieve the G-virus, but not without causing a bio-hazard when some vials of T-virus were destroyed during her escape. Sherry wasn't retrieved, and was in the city when the outbreak happened.

There were only a handful of survivors, among them, rookie cop Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield's little sister Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Jill Valentine and U.M.B.C. member Carlos.

Research into a new and improved Hunter BOW took place and was completed; the smarter, better trained reptiles suited Wesker's needs when he departed to recover another of Umbrella's viral variants, the t-veronica virus. Wesker assaulted the island where the Ashford family had created the virus, infecting it before landing with a team and his Hunters and William Birkin, who insisted he be allowed to assist in the destruction of the Ashford legacy.

Claire Redfield, younger sister to former S.T.A.R.S. marksman Chris Redfield was imprisoned on the island at the time of the attack, along with Steve Burnside, who was a whiny emo kid in trouble with Umbrella because of his father. Wesker tormented her briefly but was too busy with his job to do any serious damage, as business did have to come before pleasure.

Later, Chris Redfield showed up, and when Wesker was about to kill him, it was revealed that Alexia Ashford, who had been presumed dead for 15 years, was alive. That would complicate the retrieval of the t-veronica virus (which Alexia was infected with), and Wesker left Chris alive to get back to work. Both Wesker and Chris made their way to Antarctica. Birkin went as well but as he stood no chance against a B.O.W. he waited in the submarine.

Wesker engaged in a brief fight with Alexia, during which he learned that she was capable of creating fire in addition to her tentacle-related powers. He used his superior speed and agility to avoid damage, and decided to kill two birds with one stone and allow Chris and Alexia to do battle with one another.

Ultimately Chris was able to kill Alexia, and Wesker managed to retrieve the infected corpse of Steve Burnside. Wesker attempted to kill Chris again, but that fight was interrupted by a necessary retreat from the facility, as it was about to self destruct (standard feature in Umbrella labs).

In 2002, Wesker was contacted by a South American drug cartel. A former Umbrella Researcher had attempted to use the t-virus to treat a rare disease in the Cartel leader's wife, with disastrous results. As Javier's daughter had contracted the disease. Wesker provided him with the t-veronica virus in exchange for a large sum of money, and gave him instructions on how to use it properly and avoid the potentially disastrous results if the veronica virus was not used properly. Leon Kennedy and Jack Krauser (first appearance) later attacked, saved the daughter, and killed a massive, mutated Javier as Wesker watched. Krauser would seek out Wesker and be recruited with the luring promise of power.

Wesker again put the tactic of using one enemy against another to use, as Chris and his unit attacked a facility controlled by Sergei. Wesker infiltrated alone this time, seeing no need to burden himself with Hunters or Humans. During the course of his infiltration, Wesker demonstrated his superiority against Sergei's tyrants, and then later against a mutated Sergei. After he killed Sergei, Wesker took all the accumulated data of Umbrella's research from the Red Queen.

When an unusual cult with mind controlling parasites sprang up in a small European country where Spanish is spoken but that was not Spain (yeah right), Wesker sent Krauser to infiltrate. Krauser abducted the president of the United States daughter, and as a result Leon was sent. When the mission to steal the Plagas samples encountered trouble, Wesker sent Ada Wong in. (Another point where things go very differently, this time, Ada has no relationship with Leon, and doesn't save him from Krauser.) Leon was killed by Krauser, and Ada managed to steal all the samples. Krauser and Ada had to work together to take out Saddler, but after that was finished Krauser killed Ada, expecting her to betray Wesker (which she would have).

Krauser went back with all the samples, and research into new bio-weapons utilizing the Las Plagas continued, with Wesker betraying the Organization to work with the S Corporation (Which was really Tricell). Birkin, using a special property in Sherry's biology thanks to her being infected and then cured of the T-virus began work on a new Bio-weapon with support of Tricell.

News of Spencer's location surfaced, and Wesker was drawn to him thanks to the programming he'd received as a child. Spencer told Wesker about the plan, and how Wesker was to help him become a god. Unfortunately, knowing about the psychological conditioning he received was enough for Wesker to break free of it, and he promptly killed Spencer and decided that he would do the one thing he knew none of the conditioning would have made him do. Usurp Spencer's role as God of a new world.

Chris and Jill showed up, and fought Wesker. Wesker was about to kill Chris when Jill pushed him out a window, and he took her with him. Jill was badly injured, but Wesker took her with him back to Tricell where he planned to turn her into a bio-weapon to use against Chris. Birkin, who also held a grudge against Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield for killing the Tyrant and ruining their plans back at the Arklay mansion, was more than happy to agree.

Wesker shared his plan for world domination, and Birkin suggested the use of the new Bio-weapon, named Uroboros, to select a chosen race of superior people.

Wesker left again to track down leads regarding the project that led to his creation. It was several months before he learned of Birkin's involvement, and when he did, he returned to Birkin's lab, furious. Wesker got violent, as he was prone to occasionally doing when Birkin angered him, and caused a small bio-hazard after throwing Birkin across the room and into a container housing the new virus. Birkin and Wesker were both infected with Uroboros, along with the rest of the people in the lab.

The BSAA responded to news of the outbreak, but by then Wesker, Birkin, and the very small number of other people to survive had left to move operations to a new facility.

He moved forward with his plans, and tried to lure Chris to his death. Chris and his new partner were not cooperative and didn't die until Wesker himself confronted them in the underground ruins. Unprepared to deal with someone who had successfully bonded with the Uroboros virus, Sheva was the first to die, then Wesker had Jill kill Chris. At the last second, Jill managed to fight his control, and then Wesker killed them both with his Uroboros mutation, consuming their bio-matter and finally ridding himself of them.

With no one left to stand in his way, Wesker went ahead with his plans to release Uroboros into the atmosphere for complete global saturation.

How does your AU differ from canon? Mainly, Birkin survived, and that caused a different outbreak in Raccoon City, since it happened a little later and Ada was gone by the time it was in full swing, and didn't have a relationship with Leon. Leon dying in not-Spain as a result, Birkin and Wesker developing Uroboros using Sherry's anti-t-cell immune system instead of Excella and Wesker developing it using Jill's.

Wesker being infected with Uroboros by the start of Chris's mission in Africa instead of the end and then his successful release of the virus.


Wesker is incredibly intelligent. He is a genius surpassed only barely by Birkin or Alexia, and his intelligence extends to matters outside of their chosen field of research. Wesker is a skilled tacticion and leader, and a masterful actor and manipulator. He is good at managing large organization's and businesses, or even a world if given the chance.

He also has incredible physical abilities as well. Faster than even high-velocity bullets and with considerable physical strength, Wesker is a formidable opponent. When his regeneration is at its best, he can recover from body shots and even head shots that would drop most people.

Uroboros also gives him good control over his own biology, able to convert parts of his body into black, stringy mass of tentacle-like bio-matter that can consume anything organic it comes in contact with. He can even throw some of this bio-mass as a projectile weapon, and once separated from his body it will act on its own, pursuing other organic material to consume and attacking animals and people.


Wesker's pride is a big issue for him, and once he's made angry he's much easier to deal with because he tends to not think clearly or make good choices during that time. Wesker's tendency to toy with his victims, especially if he hates them, is also a problem for him, as it often gives them chances to get away or turn the tables against him.

He is also dependent on a cocktail of chemicals to keep his mutation in check. The presence of Uroboros in his system makes him somewhat more stable, but his powers will still be weakened and his body thrown into disorder if he receives too much or too little of the chemical used to keep the mutating variant of the Progenitor virus in check.

Lastly, sufficient damage to his head or outright destruction/permanent removal of his head is a very effective way to kill him.

Preferred drop-in point: Manhattan

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? Evil! And bio-weapons. Wesker will probably play nice at first until he has a foot-hold in this universe, hiding his abilities and virus. He'll want to start a new company and get research going, and probably kill most people in this world.

And maybe working with the government and/or betraying people and generally being a heartless evil bastard.

First Person Journal Sample:


Being doused in some sort of disinfectant spray by men in hazmat suits is not a very enjoyable welcome. But understandable, if what I've read so far on here is true. No telling what kind of infectious disease people might come through with. I'm surprised I wasn't quarantined and observed for a few weeks. Just dousing someone in chemicals isn't going to be effective, especially since these don't seem to be strong enough to harm human flesh. If I were to come through with something like the Ebola virus that would not have been at all effective.

Inadequate infection preventative measures aside, I would like to have my property returned to me. Some of it can be replaced, but something of vital necessity was taken to me, and it is important that it is either returned to me or replaced.

Third Person Sample:

Accepting that this was another, parallel Earth was difficult. But it was either that or accept that he was in some wildly detailed hallucination or dream and had gone completely insane. Between those two options, accepting parallel realities was a much easier pill to swallow. The science behind it was far beyond Wesker's scope of knowledge, which meant that he would not be able to do much to return to his own world. Was time passing there while he was away? What would he return to when he went home?

Would he return home? Judging from what he had seen so far, there were a number of people here who would be fascinating to study. It was amazing what information made publicly available. Wesker wasn't sure which one of them he wished to study first, but before that would be possible he would need resources. Adequate lab facilities, money, personnel. He would be starting from scratch here. It was frustrating to be put back in this position, and without any buyers lined up to purchase valuable data and samples of bio-weapons, he would need to amass funds and resources the old fashioned way.

Wesker was up for the challenge, and he paused to straighten his tie. There were a few people here already who would be able to accelerate his ability to reach his goals, and he didn't want to be late for a meeting with one of them.
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