just a fanficcer rant

Dec 24, 2011 17:06

it's happened to all of you ficcers, but gods it's getting annoying now! too many plunnies i just can't write. there's 3 i'd love to finish, 2 that're started but the only thing in my head is one that's pretty damn dark. but then it's partly my fault-ish. yeah -ish. i tend to think out scenes when i can't sleep at night so fics invade my dreams alot, but i've never even considered something like this. and the weirdest part is it's been coming in the mornings; that half-awake/half-asleep point and i'm practically acting out the scenes.

i'd love to work on those 5, especially since one is completely planned out but i can't shake this idea. and there's no way in all 7 hells i'm writing notes/plot-lining it. if i write down any solid detail i've figured out my brain thinks i've wrote the story and i just can't go back and flesh.

yeah, you're probably thinking i should just forget it and move on; but it's something i've never attempted let alone wrote before so i really want to do it. but with only 3 scenes that are almost too vivid so far i can't.

doesn't help i've got little motivation to write anything... *headesk*

fanfic, catharsis

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