Sep 27, 2008 23:05
Just came back from a Canberra-Nara festival. Earlier today, I procrastinated on my essay by watching the US prez debate. (Clearly, I'm all about keeping updated on current issues. Yep. Even if it's not my country's election, yep! ^_^b)
At least I recognised some of the foreign policy schtuff being tossed around from previous classes (Kissinger! I borrowed his book! w00t!). My profs would be so proud. McCain's knowledge (and travel experience, apparently) is just ginormous, though. I'd heard that he had the advantage over Obama in foreign policy experience but... srsly. "Waziristan"? That's a country??? O_o "I've got a bracelet too" = lollers.
Economics debate will likely fly right over my head just like this one did, but I have this weird urge to watch it now...
Malaysia should have these sort of debates. Our ministers already blunder like hell in the controlled spaces of the Cabinet (say what you will about Hillary and Palin's treatment, but I'm sure any US politician who compared women to a leaky tap wouldn't dare show his hiney in public again); imagine what they'd say in a setting like this!
Dyiiiinnngg to post Gold Coast holiday pikturs......... No, no! Work! Essay! 3,500 words due in less than two days, and NOTHING'S DONE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? *kicks self*
Okay, sleep first. Then nonstop working on this POS, then another essay plan... THEN sem break for two weeks. Wai.
us elections,