I always found it funny to call Tifa a nag-- in the same way it's fun to call Aerith the slum drunk, or imagine her with a bloody chainsaw-- but it's scary when it's on the verge of becoming fanon. o_O
No, Tifa did not make Cloud's situation worse. The boy has an excellant handle on that all by himself.
I'm feeling a bit feverish, but it usually breaks within a day anyway. I find that rather annoying, as I seldom leave any traces that I was sick. So I'd always be sick ONE day before that exam/competition, be in bed and all that, but all dandy-fine on the exam day itself. Hard to prove you were sick when you don't look it. -_-
But mostly, I'm feeling guilty for missing kendo practice today. I'm a proponent for "Doesn't matter if you're sick, you DRAG your bloody ass to class if you have to!" but only when it comes to school. But I still keep feeling like I did something wrong.
Tagged by
madsqueeble (whom I still owe one more meme ^^;): Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1. I took drums, pianica, trumpet, recorder, taekwondo and dance lessons between 7 to 10 years old. Never made it past a year for any of those. In fact, probably the only reason I lasted a year for the recorder was because it was compulsory in school.
2. I love my eyes. Sure, they have that baggy, panda-bear look due to years of pulling late-nighters, but everybody's got a best feature about themselves. For me, it's my eyes.
3. I've never plucked my eyebrows or worn make up outside a drama production. Yes, I'm 21 this year.
4. I cannot keep long nails. Ever. Everytime I try, my itchy fingers will "bend" the long nail so often that it tears on the sides. I have to cut them eventually to avoid numerous in-grown nails.
5. I'm secretly (well, not anymore, eh?) scared of dying after everyone else I care about. I don't want to imagine going through life without some people. If I get any thoughts on death, it's that "If you're gonna die, take me with you." Maybe that's why that Greek story about the couple who asked Zeus to let them die together and not one before the other appeals to me so much. If I could control it, I'd have us all die together. '__'
6. I have a number of deja vu moments. It feels as if completely new events have a certain familiarity about them. On our first visit to IKEA, my mom said she'd never taken us there before. Yet I could've sworn I'd seen the place before.
7. I burned the hair on my Barbie doll when I was... 7? I think I wanted to see what it would look like, and was horrified when the plastic hair melted. Never played with it since, but that was okay. I spent most of my childhood with Power Rangers and Ultraman figures anyway.
8. ... *takes a deeeeeep breath* I had a crush on Todd Wilkins (from the Sweet Valley series) and wanted to strangle Elisabeth everytime they broke up.
9. I'm big on proper behaviour in public. There are things you do, and things you only do if you're a practitioner of Public Asshatery. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I wanted to punch the idiot who kept laughing when a taekwondo display was on. Yeah, keep laughing from your safe vantage point, because you know you'd have your ass hanging outta your gaping maw if you were anywhere close to the guy. Jackass.
10. I find guitarists and drummers extremely hawt. I can't decide whether a male pianist or a female guitarist is hawter, though. You know, the whole gender-switching thing. Like male priests/white mages and female swordsmen.
I tag... anyone who hasn't done it yet. *ish so crafty and smart! :P*
(Did anyone else know the word "tagback" existed?)