Dec 14, 2006 06:37

Two days of kendo camp after several weeks of being stationary from exam-mugging sessions = PAIN ALL OVER.

I limp out of the dojo after every session, feet feeling like lumps of flaming meat. I woke up this morning after the first day and couldn't even move my right arm horizontally to brush my teeth! I walk like an old woman. I'm sitting down and I still feel pain.

There were only three junior girls (including me) in this year's camp, and we were saying as one, "WHY did we sign up for this? Like, voluntarily?" @.@

I left the camp early because I wanted to meet my aunt before going home tomorrow (*looks at clock* er, later), but it was a meeting not meant to be. First, the stupid bus took 45 farking minutes to reach my stop (6-7 minutes between buses MY TIRED ASS, N-U-FARKING-ASS! *fistshake*). So much for leaving the training early--it didn't matter either way! Then my handphone died. It just DIED. I've been trying to resuscitate it with my battery charger for the last 10 hours and NOTHING. And I don't have a physical address book, so ALL my contacts INCLUDING MY AUNT'S is in that handphone, and I had NO way of contacting her. Finally, it started RAINING. "Horrified" is hardly suitable to describe my expression when the rain suddenly poured itself out from nowhere. I don't care about getting wet, but good GOD, as if the buses needed even more reason to be slow!

I resorted to emailing my cousin to tell them I won't be able to make it, and hoping like hell he read the email (but there was no reply, so I'm guessing that he hasn't read it yet, probably because he wasn't online today which would of course happen on THIS day of all days even though he reportedly spends EVERY NIGHT on the internet! *BIG TRYING-NOT-KILL-SOMETHING SMILE*).

So it's just been one big mess tonight. -_- I'm going to drop by their home tomorrow. I can't call ahead, so I'll just hope someone's in--if not, the present will be left at their front door with a profusely apologetic note for missing the meeting (you do not piss off aunties who sign as guarantors for your tuition grant).

And to top it all off, today I find a notice telling everyone in my block that they're reprogramming our locks ONE DAY AFTER I LEAVE. Of all the ----ing days for them to choose to do this to my block, they smash it right into when I'm leaving/have left. Because, you know, GOD FORBID the days line themselves up nicely for me and I flow from one thing to another. Noooo, I had to go to the office, and thank all above that the guy was so nice, but it still didn't change the fact that I have to do more work now to prepare for next semester's stay.

OMG. I'm so damned tired, and it's not all because of kendo either. Even though exams ended on Dec 6, I've just been running around everywhere in the following days, moving people in, catching up on weeks' worth of abandoned laundry, worrying about kendo camp, attending pre-camp briefings yadda yadda. I've just been jumping from one thing to another without really thinking about them. @_@ The only real relaxing, mindless-fangirl style I did was on Dec 11 with Clorith. Oh, thank ye, Clorith! That was an excellant fangirl session, two thumbs up with a side of stars! ♥

It's 6.31AM now and only 8 hours more till I'm on the bus for HOME. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME.

holiday, one of those effing days, kendo, whining, nus

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