Sep 02, 2006 02:31
I'm joining too many things. Tomorrow's a Saturday--read that again, a SATURDAY i.e. WEEKEND i.e. the day before God rested... GOD, dammit, GOD HIMSELF--and I'm waking up at 8.00AM for some kind of cheerdance I'd signed up in the giddy, bright-eyed-bushy-tailed gleefulness of the matriculation fair; then there's a baking session at 2PM, then I'm attending a performance at 8PM. On top of that, I'll have Sunday's potluck rustling about in the back of my head--what if we can't find the ingredients, what if we don't get that serving bowl, what if the kitchen explodes--and my first major university project already being laid out.
So of course, I spend the night destressing by printing various fanart to decorate my new planner with. *tinkers :D*
This free planner from NUS is a nice gesture of theirs, but I really don't need photos of seniors I neither know nor care about, and who probably aren't even in the university anymore, staring back at me through every page. Whipping out the gluestick like a cowboy with his gun, I slathered glue all over their faces and pasted pretty, drool-worthy fanart over them all (I really am my mother's daughter... I used the printing paper to cover every inch I could, so as little of the original print could be seen, and lined the edges up all nice and neat; instead of, you know, the faster way of just slapping pictures all over the place so that this little project wouldn't go well into 2AM).
But at least now when I open my planner to find the due date of that damn project, I'll be greeted with bishies! :DDD
We'll see how long this lasts. I don't have a good track record when it comes to keeping a consistent diary. (I learned very early my diary wasn't going to be the next Anne Frank.)
Also, I was supposed to rant and rave about a missing earring in this entry. Then I looked down from my desk to the floor and tada, said missing earring (incidentally, the same one that caused me 40 minutes of grief in a female public toilet) was lying there. So... Oh well. Crisis averted. Carry on carrying on!
*thud* zzz.
things to do