I'm beginning to hate fc2.com for eating up all my favourite fanart sites XO If anybody knows where
Garakuta went, please let me know!
I also hate losing my bookmarks. Because it's hell trying to relocate that one, obscure little site which you'd stumbled across by link-hopping. Anyone here ever visit an english FF7 site which posted up fanart from Garakuta? I remember it being a Cloud/Aerith site, although that may have been just a part of the site. I remember the webmistress being a really (and rightfully) adamant about getting permission before using any fanart from Japanese fanart websites. I remember the layout being somewhat greenish, and the font was either Verdana or Tahoma. I remember her supplying links to other Japanese fansites.
Now if I could only remember the URL of that site, I'd be ever so happy. >_<
*continues searching in the meantime ;o;*