Aug 21, 2009 23:19
OMG. This is why I can't stay in Singapore. Or I better damn well have my own car.
I took the wrong bus back to my place (rather, I took the right bus but in the wrong direction), but it loops so I'd still get to my place eventually. Just that instead of turning right and taking, say, 5 minutes -- it turns left, goes through some freaking industrial sector (There was a sign saying "JURONG PIER". I SAW A TOLL-LIKE STRUCTURE. There are NO toll-like structures in Singapore except nearing IMMIGRATION... and, apparently, so I've just learned tonight, around the pier), and takes 45 minutes.
Call me a paranoid Malaysian, but I start getting edgy when I'm in an empty bus in the middle of nowhere (even though "nobody dies in Singapore! :DDD"). I think the last passengers getting off were looking at me funny, probably thinking "where the heck is SHE going? there's nothing but piers thataway!" (or "oh, those crazy lost Malaysians!").
At least with a car, I'd still probably end up in some freakish tunnel or a nighttime pier with just enough blaring lights to put the fear of aliens into you, but at least I'd be able to pull over, have a nervous breakdown, a good cry and pull out Street Directory to save myself.
why we need cars