"never say sorry for what you meant to do"
--my favorite qoute...lived to it since I learned it from Akaya (^^,) it suits me, well my pride most of all...anyways, i believe in this because its true. sorry is only for things you didn't meant because if you apologize when you meant doing that sin or deed, it will only display insult.
KAT-TUN wise...sigh~~~ thanks to
aijin_jin_17 for adding me~~~ domo arigatou nyah~~~
ahehehe, Tenimyu melted away *ish very sad*
but KAT-TUN replaced dramatically and I am now a fan *evil fangirl laugh*
and who do I love? Do you need to ask??? Of course my Uebohime~
(^^,) and Kame-chan too...and Maru-Maru...and Koki...and Junno-kun...and Jin-han....erh, anou, I think I listed all of them XD
that's all...nothing much happened except that I celebrated White Day with KAT-TUN on my mind, on my screen and on my MP3~~~