Who: Shuu and GaIn
When/Where: Night, GaIn's car, then who knows.
Rating: TBD
Warning: GaIn's mouth, Shuu's mouth, Violence, Drugs, Sex, etc.
Summary: GaIn meets Shuu.
GaIn had had quite the interesting day at the auto-shop, and was absolutely wiped. So she went to take a nap in her precious Jaguar convertible. Her feet rested on the dashboard, her sniper rifle draped across her lap. GaIn shifted in her seat, the gun shifting in her lap. She yawned and stretched slightly, waking up instinctively to look around her. Dark. She should move on somewhere new, soon, it wouldn't do to be caught. But a little more sleep couldn't hurt so she shifted slightly, changed the playlist on her Archos 5 to another bossanova playlist, stretched, and closed her eyes for some more sleep.