Who: Yuna Ito and Kim Kyujong
When/Where: Day 6, late morning
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Having moved back to Seoul, Yuna wants to contact an old friend.
Yuna had just started working at this cute, little Thai restaurant named Panang. She enjoyed working part-time there, since she got a free meal with each shift. Yet now that she moved to Seoul, she wanted to meet up with an old friend.
Hopefully this was still his number. She dialed, calling up.
Kyujong had today off and was already wondering how he could spend it. He had an idea for the evening portion, but didn’t know what to do now. Suddenly his phone rang, and he curiously stared at it, seeing the name flash across his screen. No way… “Hello?”
Yuna’s heart skipped a small beat as she recognized that voice immediately. “Ah, Kyujong-ah, I’m glad this is still your number.”
Smiling automatically, he replied, “Yuna-nuna. If you’re calling me… this must mean you’re in Seoul?” A few years had passed since Kyujong had last seen Yuna; well, ever since they decided to just remain friends and nothing more.
“Yeah. I just moved here,” she was all smiles as she began to explain to him that she wanted to become a nurse, and that Seoul always felt more like home to her. Also, that she was going to school part time and working on the side.
Kyujong was glad to hear that she decided to take on nursing school. He swore everytime he got hurt, she would be the first person he would go to and somehow, she always made him better. “Good, good. So does this mean, you want to meet up? You sound the same… but I’m sure you look completely different.”
“I hope not too differently,” she giggled softly. “But yes, I was hoping we could catch a meal together. Or, even just hang out.”
Maybe this would allow him to fill out this earlier part of the day then. “Then how about lunch? I’m free all day.”
Frowning slightly, Yuna sighed, “I can’t do today. I have to work, and then… classes tonight.” However, before Kyujong could feel disappointment, she added, “But tomorrow, I don’t have any classes.”
Already his lips were tugging downward, but immediately they rose again into that wide smile. “Good. Then tomorrow it is. You and me. Any particular place you want to go to?” He had an inkling she would suggest the usual spot they ate at.
Yuna smiled in delight. “The usual spot? If you’re working at that noodle place, we can meet at 5.”
Kyujong was glad she was easygoing. He needed the flexibility. “Yeah, five is great. I can’t wait to see you, nuna.” He waited for her to hang up first.
“Yeah, yeah, sure sure.” With one last bye, she hung up the phone. Now she considered Kyujong to be her little brother. They were close, and she felt protective over him. Having not seen him in so long though, she did admit that she was quite nervous. What was she going to wear??
Kyujong grinned at his phone, feeling his spirits lift higher. Maybe now he would have the courage to actually continue on with his hopeful plans for tonight. He just hoped that Jungmin wasn’t busy…