I have to confess that I really don't get our WoW guild, or at least a majority of the players there. I've put more than a few on /ignore just to avoid having to see them babble about the stuff they babble about...endlessly. There are a few nice folks, though - people who just like to play the game, and can relate like normal people to others. One thing that drives me insane is the need for some to monologue every fart they make in game - things like "I think I'm going to buy a new piece of armor" and then proceed to take ALL of us through each and every piece of armor he comes across, the pros and cons of each, and what he thinks about it. I can't count the times I wanted to scream, "WE DON'T CARE! BUY YOUR DAMN ARMOR, AND STOP TRYING TO FIND YOURSELF SO FASCINATING!" Instead, I quietly add another person to the /ignore list. Thank the Gods Blizzard increased the number of entries on said /ignore list.
I think
drubear finally solved the problem with his PC shutting off randomly. Our house is so dusty, and his PC sits next to a heating duct, so the amount of junk on the CPU fan was pretty dense. I still think we need to replace his power supply, and consolidate/replace his hard drives.
For the semester project I think I'm going to try something handmade. I got the idea to create a carved wooden stamp of the SC logo, and use some fabric paint to imprint it on some easily-unwoven fabric. The idea is to make it look like the whole thing is in the process of being woven to echo the building of the label. I already figured out how to get it scanned without it getting flattened - building a shallow box from white stock that won't get easily crushed by the scanner lid.