I read and have listened to the podcasts from Todd Henry's The Accidental Creative. He has had some interesting things to say on occasion, but he's also had some serious filler, too. In one of his posts, he shares a link to an essay by Adrian Savage which asks, "
What Is Work For?" Savage wants to know why people work as much as they do, why they "devote so much of their lives to work," and, in turn, why we resent it so much. Instead of writing a pseudo-philosophical essay (blah blah "common good" blah "Buddha"), couldn't he have just reduced it down to two statements? 1) We work for a variety of reasons, chief among them to sustain ourselves and 2) A majority of us resents it because we'd rather be doing something else with our time and energy. Ok, so it doesn't make for a big, windy article on LifeHack, but still.
The Accidental Creative seems to get less and less relevant as I read it. Lately it feels like one big pitch to sign up for Henry's "Creative eCoaching" and the rest is just metatalk - talking about what other people are talking about. I'll give it another week, and see if it improves. Blogs are getting to be so much background chatter lately. Well, moreso than usual, I guess.