Senior Classes

Sep 14, 2007 00:14

I feel like I really have to put something in here today because of how much I've been neglecting this journal. So these are the classes I'm taking(at least for the Semester) with a summary and a rating of 1-5(1 lowest, 5 highest).

1A - British Literature
I have the same teacher as I had for last year's English so the class doesn't feel much different. The work load is more then last year for sure; I feel like I've written more stuff for this class in the past month then I did my entire junior year. Assignments are reasonable and something I don't mind doing. Out of all the compositions we have had to do so far there are not any I totally disliked(ok, maybe the one due tomorrow that i havent started on, but yeah). Our teacher is always organized and crap and actually checks are work so that's cool.

2A - Basic Economics
Evolving from the optional credit class last semester is a full on semester of Economics. This is the first time our school has offered this class and it didn't sound bad to try so I went for it. Like last years stock market game the advisor is also the computer teacher. His voice is monotone making the class far from lively but it isn't his fault so I figure I can cope with it. His assignments are fair but I don't like how specific he is for supplies and things like that. This class was saved for the meer fact that I get to use a computer for like an extra hour, even if I can't web browse too much(though I did star on a sad ASCII).

Daily block(yeah wtf some schedule thing looong story) - Bible 12
For starters, this class is really cramped. Almost all the seniors are in it. Besides that we just copy stuff from the book do some journal thing and do the occasional project. The teacher doesn't really teach in this class and if she does I don't notice. It's alright but gets rather boring and tedious. I don't like the fact that the book is teaching us how to find love in a "Christian" perspective either. I have my own ideals for stuff like that and don't like to be told what to do gb2 faggotry land

I spend this time period in a Japanese 1 class that my friend, who is fluent in Japanese already, is taking. He's like a student teacher so he does do some work and is just taking the class to get elective credit. Anyway I usually sleep, read a book, or grade ESL papers.

1B - Calculus
Our teacher is actually really smart for how young he is(i think he's been in college for a couple years only). We don't have books but again, that isn't our teachers fault. The class consists of taking home xerox copies and doing problems, discussions in class about homework, and quizzes every other week. I am actually learning something in this class and I am pretty sure it will go a lot smoother when books arrive. Further more, we don't have to do homework. Yes.

2B - World History
The only reason this class didn't get a one or two is because I don't mind History classes at all. Work is always like it's been since middle school: you copy definitions, read, do some map, etc. Same goes for this class. The former prinicpal is teaching this subject and I guess he does an ok job of advising the class but not of teaching. We are given the assignments per chapter(which questions/sections to do), the test things, and thats it. He throws in some random group worksheet every week and some wierd projects. I don't enjoy the class since I don't really know anyone(it's a junior class and the others seniors in it are >_>). Oh, and the teacher made a myspace in class. Ugh~

3B - Choir
I love music but did not want to take our music course here because of how it's actually Choir in disguise. I havent been called to individually sing or anything and am really happy for that. She seems to understand that not everyone can sing and I really like that(since i obviously can't). We do have the class time learning about clefs and notes and the rest singing; adequately balanced. I have a lot of different classmates for this one but it makes the class sort of fun.

~Japanese club~
We might actually go this year and I'm really excited about that. Because it's my senior year I sort of have to, and am damn hoping to T_T Fundraisers are going alright and we already looked into airfare as well as the homestay program. Oh, and there is delicious cake that joined this year. I must eat it.

*Ahem* My school year doesn't have many high hopes but I am going to try and make the most of it because it is my last year(especially japanese club!). There is a bunch of homework i forgot to do that i need to do now because I was asleep for half of this afternoon trying to finish "My neighbors the Yamadas" again. Oyasumi.
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