Yes yes yes!!! I have just secured tickets to this year's
SSO Babies' Proms!!!
*jumps around*
We took Preston last year and enjoyed it a lot. This year, it'll be even more special cos he's older ( i assume he would understand & appreciate it more) and Darolyn will be joining us. It's going to be wonderful attending the event together with my bff & our kiddos.
The show is really great and i like that it's interactive while remaining relevant & engaging to young kids. Perhaps listening to (and teaching) symphony music during pregnancy helped cos Preston would remain still & sit through Eine Kleine Nachtmusik & Pachelbel's Canon in D even when he was a baby. (The music was a lifesaver & really calmed him down when we had to nebulize him!)
Tickets are selling rreeeaaalllly fast and i would have preferred the Friday shows but there are only single seats in Category 1 left. Anyway i was happy to get good seats for the Thursday afternoon show and quickly booked it just now.
This gives me something extra to look forward to in December!