Jul 07, 2007 00:59
If you like documentaries, you've probably watched a film by Errol Morris at some point. If you like documentaries and you haven't, you should. Frankly, even if you don't usually like documentaries, you still should. He's the director of "A Brief History of Time," the incredible documentary about Stephen Hawking, "A Thin Blue Line," one of the most disturbing but brilliant documentaries ever made, and which successfully argued that a man on death row had been put there without sufficient evidence even to determine guilt, and "Fast, Cheap & Out of Control," which is about... um... reality? the universe? Life, the Universe, and Everything? Yeah, that's it.
In any case, Errol Morris is known for his incisive use of interviews, and for being an incredibly honest filmmaker. Not to mention being right up there with Ken Burns for brilliance in directing.
And now he's making a movie called "S.O.P.: Standard Operating Procedure" about the events which took place at Abu Ghraib prison.
This will be a film to watch. It's currently in production. Likely to be incredibly upsetting, but frankly that's as it should be.