Something To Think On

Aug 02, 2005 10:25


It's a funny word, and it seems that in my life, many people define thing's differently without regard for dictionaries. Probably an important factor of why the meanings of words change over time, just as mispronunciation creates new forms of words.

What do you imagine those words sounded like even 150 years ago?

Friendship. As with all other words, people define this differently, and then expect to get along.

To me friendship does not differ from my definition of Love. Physical parameters can change as they would and will, that is another topic, however related it may seem. (You see, in the end of this, I don't believe the physical will matter beyond being an experience shared or not shared. I believe what will matter is the way everything happened.)

Friendship is about the unconditional to me. Good friends, close friends, hold the same status with me as lovers, children, family. They are all these things. It is about knowing that although we have separate lives, separate ideas and views, and we may not even hang out due to these things, I will be there in the end for them. No matter what. I will always do what I can, and push my limits.

That seems like quite the pitfall right? Who's to say I am not being used. Don't worry. I ask myself the same thing.

I am not sure how to answer that myself. I think perhaps, that is part of what separates good friends from acquaintances? In the end, the conditional falls away, because the world is always changing. Always evolving, and any condition is the same as any one thing, it will fall away. Something that can flow, change and evolve is all that will remain.

With my closest of friends, the people I hold within me, I know them. On some level beyond who we all are, will be, or ever have been. Regardless of how long it's been since I met them. It could be 5 seconds. But I knew then as though I'd already known what they would be in my life, and what they have always been.

I feel something similar for every human being I see living their own lives, walking on the streets. They are a part of some very intricate story I know nothing of, but can sense. They laugh and cry, they live and learn. I am amazed to be around them, and a part of this life. I suppose that is the one major thing that keeps me from becoming a hermit.
Which is funny, I guess I get tired of it, because it is also the very reason I would want to become a hermit. On some level I always know I am on the sidelines of all those people. Regardless of how much I see them, I am very rarely seen back. In some ways, my closest friends may not recognize me as I do them, I don't really know or care... On some level they do recognize me. They see me. I am amazed even further by that. My friends keep me from feeling like the ghost in some ways I feel I am. They engage me, and I am thankful, grateful, and amazed because it would be just as easy for them to not. To be caught up in their lives, just as all the rest of the people in this world. Just as I am at times.

SO - Thank you, to all my friends... For an intimacy most people can not spare beyond who they have already spared it on ;}

Question of the day : I hope I have covered this topic, I would be interested in other people's definitions, experiences and descriptions on what a friend is to you?
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