Title: Absentia
Pairing: Sehun/Kai; minor!(Sehun/Tao, Kai/Luhan, Sehun/Kris); slight!Sehun/Yixing
Rated: PG
Summary: Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot.
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dude do you remember me. dude. what is this. kris/sehun. i can't. no. i actually can. fucking rare pairing is rare.
read diamond!sehun fic, and i'm glad with the hilarious ending at the airport.
then, this one. this is not a fantasy fic, damn dude. then what is this one? me ghosta. can't wait for your update. will you plan to make it long? doesn't matter, i'll be there.
damn still can't get over You might want to check on the bed, it creaked so bad I think we broke it. You were so wild. -K
im surprised at all the kris/sehun feelings going on, suddenly! it's rare but you can't deny it's hot
(but im afraid kris will have to appear later, so im sorry)
glad you found the fail!airportsehun hilarious, lol.
im not sure if this is what you're expecting, but thank you! i dont plan to make it very long, but we'll see.
thank you again!!!
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