Title: Safe (Lost Memory)
Pairing: Sehun/Kai
Rating: PG
Summary: He always carries a gun. He probably carries a code. He has never wanted to protect a man all his life. Until he is lost. Who is he protecting? And who is he protecting him from?
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Even though Sehun doesn't remember the kiss (or maybe he does? maybe he knows that something did happen since he asked? I'm so curious yeah! XD Oh well I'll have to wait and see :3 ) Kai blushed when thinking about the kiss! So adorable! Hmm if Sehun get's his memory back, I wonder if he'll remember the kiss as well hehehe XD Oh...right you can't remember thing that happened when you're passed out T_T I'm so stupid haha XD
I should get another icon btw everyone else have such funny looking icon's I laugh just by looking at them when I scroll through comments T_T XD My icon is just kris being handsome XD
Anyway I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm trying to add a funny Luhan gif I found here, since I know you like him alot!
PleaSE un-spam it so it can apear! :D <3
thank you so much bb! and yes, that kiss was wasted a bit since sehun was unaware. but uhm, i hope i make it up in the next update lol. your icon is fine though, because we can have handsome!kris anytime. thank you for liking this up til now, you make me happy. ♥
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