Title: Overlapping Worlds Pairing: Sehun/Kai Rating: PG-13 Summary: They live in the same house, in the same space, at the same time. In the same world, but not really. A/N: A little rated for some detailed scenes.
ughhh ; ; this really clenching my heart tightly T T i'm so touched by your amazing & beautiful fic so sweet yet bitter ... i don't want sehun to be alone with sadness without jongin to comfort him and i don't want jongin to be left alone and can't find sehun for comfort him ; ; that short moment but feel so long for jongin to cannot see sehun is torture me T____T
"I think it means we only exist together when there's only us together."
bathroom scene!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGG~ I WANT MOREEEE! FEED ME SEKAI!!!! >.< ohhh, is the rating going to go up up and UUUUUP, anytime soon? /wiggles brows. Its not that i dont like it just the way it is,buuuuuuttt~~ i wanna know if SeKai's gonna be "closer" sometime in the future. <3
anddd ohhh,, you really had me thinking why its only their worlds thats overlapped.. is it because they "need" each other? they complete each other or something? :( or they could not find their other half in their own worlds that fate deemed it necessary for their worlds to intersect??
i can only guess until the reason for Kai's solitary stay in the house is revealed.
OOOHMYYY. i am soooooo curious RN my sekai feels are so restless! sdfhsddfhal!
thanks for ze update!
/calmly waits for the next update or as calmly as a spastic fangirl can get.
I like the bathroom scene too, lol. ^^ *feeds you* I'm afraid the rating is not going to get any higher than the next update because I'm really bad at writing r-rated fics. ): Hehe I hope we find out together. Thank you for the comment ♥
Comments 26
this really clenching my heart tightly T T
i'm so touched by your amazing & beautiful fic
so sweet yet bitter ...
i don't want sehun to be alone with sadness without jongin to comfort him
and i don't want jongin to be left alone and can't find sehun for comfort him
; ; that short moment but feel so long for jongin to cannot see sehun is torture me T____T
"I think it means we only exist together when there's only us together."
"Then there'll only be us."
the best part ; ; /sobs hard
( ... )
bathroom scene!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGG~ I WANT MOREEEE! FEED ME SEKAI!!!! >.< ohhh, is the rating going to go up up and UUUUUP, anytime soon? /wiggles brows. Its not that i dont like it just the way it is,buuuuuuttt~~ i wanna know if SeKai's gonna be "closer" sometime in the future. <3
anddd ohhh,, you really had me thinking why its only their worlds thats overlapped.. is it because they "need" each other? they complete each other or something? :( or they could not find their other half in their own worlds that fate deemed it necessary for their worlds to intersect??
i can only guess until the reason for Kai's solitary stay in the house is revealed.
OOOHMYYY. i am soooooo curious RN my sekai feels are so restless! sdfhsddfhal!
thanks for ze update!
/calmly waits for the next update or as calmly as a spastic fangirl can get.
Hehe I hope we find out together. Thank you for the comment ♥
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but who am i kidding?
i am craving for more goddammit.
please do tell this is not the last chapter? so many questions unanswered dude. shit. me gusta. update soon yo.
( ... )
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