Title: Absentia
Pairing: Sehun/Kai; minor!(Sehun/Tao, Kai/Luhan, Sehun/Kris); slight!Sehun/Yixing
Rating: R
Summary: Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot.
A/N: Squint to see my other two favorite pairings! Thank you!
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thank you so much! when ppl tell me they've been here for quite a while now, it makes me so happy and it makes me feel special even if that's really not the case. it just makes me really happy.
so really, thank you!!!
lemme give you back the kitty feat. lil bunny
the happy ending is supposed to make us all happy, + sekai lol. so c'mon, let's go
revenge! imma glomptackles you!
your Sekai stories always ended with happy ending, well the chaptered ones :) me gusta! i found your journal and im staying no matter what XD it's like Sekai heaven here~ <3
p/s; final blow-
i wish it really was sekai heaven, or there really is sekai heaven. i bet i'll be dead just to stay there. haaah
and thank you so much for the appreciation~
the final blow killed me too.
excuse me little bunny, you dont just act cute right there. /pets little heart
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