Title: Talking Kai Pairing: Sehun/Kai, Sehun/Jongin Rating: G Summary: In which Kai is a talking Sim in Sehun's most loved, more than how much he loves his bestfriend, and trusted iPad.
OH SEHUN YOU ARE SO DUMB OKAYYYY!! but I've got to admit that the app is quite fascinating at some point lol but sehunnie is dumb to be so obsessed with it and ditch Jongin bc of kai.. omg that sounds doable lol It hurts me when they had a fight tho, I can totally feel sehun's insecurity and everything like I could totaly relate to those feelings so I know how he must be feelings ;A; but I'm glad he ended up with Jongin and Jongin loves him ;A; sweetest omg and it's just cute how Jongin is jealous with Kai XDDD AMAZING FIC NAJ!!! OMG LIKE TOTALLY AMAZING!! I LOVE THIS!!! Happy B'day again Nana unnie!! I teared up a bit reading your b'day message to nana unnie it's so cute I feel like I can ship you two ;_____; ♥
"Yellow looks fine." I AGREE WITH SEHUN!! Omg Kai what is your problem yellow is a pretty color okay!! :(
lmao okay.. thank you for writing this naj!! YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER!! YOUR STORIES ARE AMAZING!! I love you okay <3333
Comments 26
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Aww thank you! I'm glad you still find it cute *____* THANK YOU ♥
I liked it, though a bit creepy with his obsession of Kai, SeHun is so so sweet
LOL you have no idea, i think i have the same obsession as sehun here?!! LOL JK
Thank you o/
happy birthday Nana unnie once more! ♥
thank you twin huuuuuuug
but I've got to admit that the app is quite fascinating at some point lol but sehunnie is dumb to be so obsessed with it and ditch Jongin bc of kai.. omg that sounds doable lol
It hurts me when they had a fight tho, I can totally feel sehun's insecurity and everything like I could totaly relate to those feelings so I know how he must be feelings ;A;
but I'm glad he ended up with Jongin and Jongin loves him ;A; sweetest omg
and it's just cute how Jongin is jealous with Kai XDDD
AMAZING FIC NAJ!!! OMG LIKE TOTALLY AMAZING!! I LOVE THIS!!! Happy B'day again Nana unnie!! I teared up a bit reading your b'day message to nana unnie it's so cute I feel like I can ship you two ;_____; ♥
"Yellow looks fine." I AGREE WITH SEHUN!! Omg Kai what is your problem yellow is a pretty color okay!! :(
lmao okay.. thank you for writing this naj!! YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER!! YOUR STORIES ARE AMAZING!! I love you okay <3333
thank you vic and you know you're still partly at fault here (like always!) and-
it's so cute I feel like I can ship you two
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL we ship ourselves hard i know
you are amazing too, you know that. i love you too asgfagskfa
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