The California voting deadline is this October 4th. I thought I ought to post some information on how to register for all the states, in order to nudge and help people who aren't already registered get their ducks in a row.
To wit: All of us, especially young people and ESPECIALLY young women, have a serious interest in who gets the presidency come November. However, some of us aren't registered to vote, or don't know how, and may wind up disenfranchised in the election! If you want to see an Obama presidency rather than McSame and the Scary Alaskan Nazi Fembot (who would love to see all us gals barefoot, pregant and in the kitchen), please register!! It's easy and you can even sign up as an absentee voter, which means you get to vote by mail at your leisure rather than trying to get time off (which your employers have to give you, penalty-free, btw) to get to the polling place.
Without further ado:
State by State info courtesy of
Declare Yourself, the Obama campaign's online registration tool. It's fast and easy to use. (No, you don't have to vote for Obama or register as a democrat to use this. You can choose whatever party you like, and there are no strings attached on who you vote for.)
Remember: You can't rock the vote if you didn't get your ticket! Do it! Do it Today. Your country needs you.
This has been a ryuchan public service announcement and in no way represents the views of anyone but ryuchan. Republicans and trolls can kiss my ass, but are welcome to use the tools provided anyway.