Nov 07, 2004 20:24
Received a rather odd request from my mom for one of her Christmas presents: "African music." Not that African music itself is odd, but rather my mom requesting such is. It's like she's aiming to get that Rhythm Transplant she's always wanted ::grin:: Anyhow. As she has given me NO bands and NO songs and NO specifics, I'm in the dark here. If anyone out there has ANY suggestions in this area - particularly those who have, say, played in an African Music Ensemble (::looks pointedly at Elias::) - I'd MUCHLY appreciate it.
Other news! World of Warcraft's open beta starts (I think) tomorrow. I'll be home & online around 8 PM, and ready to powerlevel your bitch asses along (provided you are HORDE, of course) so we can do some MAD GAMING this week. I'm on Server 10 (Pacific time for me, of course) a Tauren druid named Rochambeaux, and hopefully (if tonight goes as planned) I'll be in Durotar - Mulgore is a bit far removed (but if you ARE making a Tauren, I'll see if I can run & guide you along to where we all are).
NOTE: I won't be powerleveling anyone who's under level 5. The great thing about World of Warcraft is that their starter areas - "newb creches" as I call them - are excellent for learning about the controls and how to best use one's character. AND getting to level 5 takes an hour or less. Wheeeeeeee!
Hope to see you all online - give me an e-mail or my phone a text message (or even a brief call) if you'll be able to make it, or at least are planning on a time in the future. FOR THE HORDE!