I'ma need to post this on the actual site sometime, but I figured I'd put it out here first. I'ma miss doing the comic, and I do mean it - maybe sometime I'll come up with a continuation, or even something new - but for now, I'm going to close this chapter as gracefully as I can. I'ma miss it.
Hello, dearest readers.
You probably would like to know what the crap is going on, and I don't blame you. I haven't been so great at the updates, you might have noticed. Regrettably, though I once dreamed of a more epic closing, I must sadly say that I'm Blue is now done. One day - I say tentatively - it may live again, or in a different form: but for now, this chapter is closed.
Above all, though, I have you thank you guys. Your readership, your messages, your presence has meant more than I can possibly express either in heartfelt prose or in my awkward wanna-be-funny ranting. You've done so much for me over the years, and made me feel immensely honored to have each and every one of you dedicate any amount of time to browsing my own little corner of the Internet. It's with a heavy heart that I end this comic (and with a tentative hand that I push forth my own
game design blog, in case its meager and more intellectual leavings might interest you at all), but I know I'll never forget any of you who've been kind enough to read my site, and write me messages about it, and give me beautiful and memorable fanart. Some people I talked to about the experience of having a webcomic found it a little odd that I spoke with such passion about needing to update the site on time, to have something up there for those who were kind enough to read it: but I do mean it. For as silly as it may seem to have someone you've likely never met touch your life, all the same - I'm indebted to you. Thank you for everything.
If you wish to imagine an ending, think on waterslides, sentient computers, ninjas rubber-banding through the sky, hyperactive baby Metroids, and most of all - gaming and friendship. Much hugs to all of you.
See you next mission...
-Annie "Blue" C