Okay. Rundown of the day.
So I woke up late - the night before was full of delicious sushi that unfortunately did not let Josiah nor I sleep too well - and took my sweet-ass time with getting a shower and getting ready. Scarfed “lunch,” which was really just breakfast, cereal and yogurt. Josiah had forgotten he had a seminar that day, so he grabbed food himself and ran out the door at about 12:45.
(this is me shaking the tree, riling up the peoples. “GET ON WITH IT!” I want to hear you cry, in your heads)
Me? I was goin’ to Blizzcon. Dressed up as a not just a Pandaren, but a Cardboard Tube Pandaren. You goddammed right.
Took me a while to get ready: the hair braided, the makeup on (for the record, ANNIE HATE CREAM MAKEUP RARRRGH), the full kung-fu jacket & pants on, the sash tied, the necklace on, the pouches secured, etc. (and this isn’t even talking about the hat, the tube/sword, the water bottle labeled “BOOZE* (not really booze)”, or the Chinese parasol strapped to my back) But soon Josiah and I hopped in the van and fought through the awfulness of traffic to the Anaheim Convention Center, where he dropped me off (we only had one Guest Pass, and besides, he’ll be there tomorrow) at about 3:15.
My God, here I was thinking that I’d be no great shakes: but pretty much the second I got out of the car I was getting people asking me if they could take my picture. I wasn’t even in the BUILDING yet! I ran into a female tauren shaman with one of the best costumes EVER (WAY better than mine!), and we chatted briefly before I wandered inside.
And then - PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE PICTURE! My God, I’d pose for one person, and five other people would show up to take a picture of me! I was trying to call my friend Niall to meet up with him and his girlfriend, and a few people took shots of me on my cellphone! I’d attempt to make forward motion, and every fifty feet I’d get asked for a picture, or someone would yell “great costume!” so I’d tip my hat or wink or some such. The crowds were somewhat easy to get through (ask people tended to clump outside the main walkway), so FINALLY I was able to work my way over to the food court to meet up with Niall and his girlfriend Sandy (both of whom, I have to say, were so sweet and understanding with me getting yanked this way and that for pictures, and me also generally being a total spaz) They were heading to a 4:00 panel on character classes, and I happily asked to tag along.
On the way to the character panel, I passed by the Blizzard Signing Table, and as I wanted to check on the health of a friend of mine who worked at Blizz, I told Niall and Sandy I’d meet them at the panel (located inside the VERY large Hall B), and went over to talk with a fellow at the Table. I chatted briefly with an animator for Starcraft: Ghost who unfortunately knew nothing of my friend (who works for Blizzard proper, not Blizzard Console), but was still totally awesome. I bid him thanks and farewell and started inching my way towards the panel when a gentleman with a camerawoman and a microphone stopped me.
It was MTV (from East Asia), and they wanted an interview. ::dies:: Great fellow, very into the event, asked excellent questions, and I had a lot of fun giving answers: about my costume, about the event itself, about the game, and so on. I finished the interview and thanked the fellow (hoping as well that his viewers wouldn’t get pissed about an obvious white chick such as myself dressing up as a Chinese-inspired Pandaren!), and continued towards Hall B and the panel...
...only to be asked for ANOTHER interview, this time with G4 for Attack of the Show. ::dies again:: I shit thee not. It was pretty cool - Kevin (one of the hosts, who’s quite nice) asked me about Pandarens (I gave him the out-of-game story, the April-Fool’s-Day joke that got turned into a hidden hero in the Warcraft III expansion due to popular demand), a bit about my costume - so I got to detail both the Pandaren-ness and the Penny Arcade Cardboard Tube Samurai-ness - and THEN the bastard made me imitate a murloc, which was totally awful and I bet that’s what my interview will get cut down to ::wince:: But I had a couple of good lines in there, and I don’t think I came off as looking like TOO much of a dipshit (here’s hoping!) Oh, and if anyone cares, they’re saying Wednesday (Nov. 2nd) for showing it. EEP!
After that, I FINALLLLLLLY moseyed into the Character Classes panel - which was very interesting, and illuminated much of the character design process (and the Q&A section was both funny AND informative) - and found Niall and Sandy after it ended. However, we were soon parted: they wanted to get in line to play the expansion, and I noticed the line to get the Blizzcon Goodie Bags was far shorter than it had been, so I mentioned that I was going to take my chances and get the bag when I could. After waiting for a very short bit and getting my bag, I ran into the same female tauren shaman (with the awesome costume) that I’d met when I first hopped out of the van in front of the Convention Center. I asked her if she was registered for the Costume Competition, and she said they wouldnt' let her! I thought that was total bullshit (because as I mentioned, her costume kicked the shit out of mine), PLUS I’d accidentally been registered for it twice: earlier on in the day by Niall (bless ‘im!), and later on by me. Claire (the shaman) and I sauntered over to the Information Desk to give ‘em what-for - only to find out the Contest was now totally open. So much for that! ::laugh::
Neither Claire nor I had much in the way of plans after that, so we continued over to the expansion line - which actually moved really fast - and before we knew it, we were parked at random computers, staring at a list of pre-generated characters. I tried to play a level 60 tauren warrior, but it took SO LONG to get all the keyboard shortcuts set and all my talent points arranged that by the time I got into the raid instance (the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraq, beyond the Scarab Gate in Silithus), it was a crazy mess, none of the mobs seemed to be attackable, and everyone else was so disorganized - more intent on giving shout-outs to their servers and sides than anything else! ::laugh:: But damn, it was PERTY - and my loot was so the proverbial PHAT that I (very nerd-like!) literally took some pictures of the screen to show how awesome it was. Alas, I am so bit of a loser. ::hangs head:: ::laugh:: But I’d about had it with messing around Silithus (sheeeeit, I do that already!), so I reluctantly gave up on my big tauren and selected a 1st-level mage in the NEW Horde race, the blood elves.
BANG! On a new island - “Sunstrider Isle” - SOMEWHERE on Azeroth. It pretty, though! And lynxes around, which look like the standard cat-form, but with more of a fuzzy face (I thought to myself “yeah, I’d tame that!” - yikes, I’m thinking like a hunter now... RUN AWAY!)., and some new flying wormy-things (new model!) called “mana worms.” Being a dork (as mentioned) I did the /dance emote and was sad to see the same Night Elf dance (I know they’ll change it before it’s released, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for hilarious dances ::grin::), but ran around and enjoyed myself in the chaos. Blood Elves seem to have two active racial traits, one of which is Mana Drain (?) - which saps a target’s mana (causing a shitload of Threat!). They introduced this skill with a SPECIFIC quest instructing you to do so, dictating that you do such and then “once you feed, return to me” - making me wonder that although this is a powerful racial talent, one might be burdened with the need to use it frequently or risk penalties, antibuffs, and so on. Interesting idea. We’ll see how that one pans out!
SO! Finally we get kicked off of the computers to bring in new blood, and by now it’s about 6:35 or so - the Costume Contest starts at 7. Claire goes off to wait for the whole thing to start in Hall B, whilst I resolve to track down Tycho and Gabe, say hi, and get them to sign my cardboard tube (I still plan to auction it off on eBay and give the proceeds to
Child’s Play). SUCCESS! I run into Tycho (who remembers me even with the crazy panda makeup!), chat with him a bit, buy a shirt and a poster, get my tube signed by the both of them, and inform Tycho of the dual joys of
Cha for Tea and
Old Grandma Hardcore, both of which he’s really enthusiastic about. Sweeeeeeeeeet!
After chatting with the PA guys, I hop a few feet away to the Zboard booth (for a nice guy gave me a poker chip and told me to hand that into a member of the booth or something), and I yap with the guys there shortly, and WOO! Free t-shirt! Score! Sadly, I look down at my watch and see that it’s 6:53. Well, shits - no dinner for me! I resign myself to the good news - that this will keep me from having to redo my makeup - and head on over to Hall B -
Or I WOULD have, if there had not been a HUGE ASS LINE for about TEN MINUTES. They’d closed off the entrance there, it seems - for reasons unknown - but on the positive side, I chatted with some very nice people whilst I was in line (that was a lot of the experience of the day, I found - chatting with some very nice people!). Finally we all filed in, and I found Claire and sidled over, and called Niall and Sandy to call them over as well.
So of course no sooner are we all happy and seated for the main contests and events than we in costume get called over to the other side of the room. BAH! I leave my goodie bag with a very kind and patient Niall, and Claire and I head on over there. Sadly, the whole contest thing wasn’t organized so super-great: it turns out that if you wanted to compete in ONE contest - sound-alike, costume, or dance-alike - you could ONLY participate in that one, and no others! This was a great disappointment to many, and lead to the first competition, the dance-off, to be only TEN PEOPLE - two male-troll capoeira dancers, three male night elf dancers, two gnome male dancers, and two female night elf dancers (who were dressed accordingly ::rolls eyes::) (Both trolls, a female NE, a male NE, and I think one of the gnome dancers won - one of the Zboards. Not a shabby prize, but considering the costume competition grand prize was a COMPUTER, it made a lot of sense that nobody in the dance competition was wearing a real costume ::chuckle::
But that’s not all. There we stand, a TON of costumed people, while all the sound equipment is facing towards the seated crowd (so we just hear muffled voices and indistinct SFX), AND they show the 5 winning movies while we stand... movie, movie, Dance competition, movie, Song Competition, movie, Sound-Alike competition (about 40 people there, and DAMN did they need to turn the sound up!), winning movie, and THEN us - and we’d been STANDING THE WHOLE TIME! I’m used to retail, sure, but BAH, that was Awfulness in a Can.
But then 80+ (!) of us paraded quickly in front of the stage, down the aisle into the crowd, and back again to the side... and waited. And waited and waited and WAITED, until finally they were told to lead us backstage. We all shuffled backstage, but the backstage help angrily told the Blizz person leading us “They can’t come back here! They could be electrocuted by those WIRES!” Blizz person throws up his hands in frustration and mutters that they TOLD him to bring everyone back there, and begins shepherding everyone over to the other side of the area, that we should be quick and quiet and careful because we “aggroed the roadies” (this made me snicker). Eventually the judges came by to look at us and pick the runner-ups/winners (which were all fantastic! Horde - undead warlock/felguard/ female orc warlock, Alliance - gnome female atop mechanostrider/dwarf hunter, Warcraft - evil Prince Arthas/Keeper of the Grove (!!), Starcraft - Nova, Firebat (!!!!), Original - WoW Collector’s Edition sleeping baby panda pet (complete with “Z Z Z Z Z”’s!)/ murloc (!!!)), and I got some more kind complements. I wasn’t discouraged at not winning in the slightest because seriously - the winning costumes were AMAZING. The friggin’
Keeper of the Grove had an actual hind end to his costume! ::shakes head in amazement:: Seriously. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYMN.
But yeah. After that, I got my stuff back from Niall & bid him farewell, called Josiah for a ride, and was on my way out when I ran into a few more people wanting pictures, and Claire’s friend (whom I gave my email address to give to her because she was so awesome!). I spoke with a producer at Blizz and THANKFULLY learned news about my friend (who is recovering from a nasty trip to the hospital, poor thing!) and chatted a bit. And then some kind chaps came by and told me that I made them “a happy panda,” and they gave me a STANDING OVATION when I appeared in the Costume Contest! AW! I was about to lose it, these guys were so nice - and THEN I find out they’re from
Rufus Cubed Productions, and THEY made the winning movie for Blizzcon (which I couldn’t see because we were shoved off to the sidelines and I was helping Claire reattach her tail! D’AH!)! But we talked about the movie, and how I had to see it and I really wanted to, and how the Penny Arcade guys were the shiznit and because the Rufus^3 crew is from Seattle how they see Tycho and Gabe sometimes, and how they really are totally super-cool, and how great it was to talk to them and just chat and so forth, and seriously, I want to hug all those guys, because they made ME feel like a fucking rock star, and THEY were the ones who made the winning Blizzcon movie, not me! AW. SO COOL.
Anyhow - I FINALLY got out the front doors (as Josiah was calling me like “Hellooooo, I’m HERE!”), chatted with some more people on the way out, found Claire and (with Josiah’s help - via ready scrap of paper and pen) gave her my email address personally, told her she was totally awesome, and bid her farewell. Then I collapsed into the car and babbled happily at Josiah all the way home, breaking my promise not to get fast food by getting Taco Bell because it was 10:15 at night and I hadn’t had DINNER yet for God’s sake. So I’ma have to DDR it off tomorrow, when Josiah is having the time of his life at Blizzcon himself.
Anyhow. I’ma fucking go to SLEEP because I am dead tired. But you folks take care - and pictures shall come later! BOOYAH!