http://dannydoodle.blogspot.com/DAMN! Geez, and this is just one guy. D: The people in our department are all pretty serious business amazing... geez. XD This is my painting teacher, who is currently giving me hell buying a bajillion supplies. I've spent at LEAST $150 thus far, and there's probably another $200? to go in my future, so huzzah. XD And we're making canvas panels ourselves, and he's real particular about his paints, and being, from the perspective of what other teachers are doing, a pain in the ass. XD But my god, the man can PAINT! I picked him precisely because he paints in the painterly way I can only DREAM of painting like now... so hopefully, HOPEFULLY, this will all go well. XD
Let's see, I've got a guy named Tin for my concept drawing class, an apparently pretty harsh German guy, who is like 'You will do work, and get faster and faster at it!!!' as the goal for the class. The projects sound pretty entertaining too- in-class work mostly, and a 100 page sketchbook to fill. I'm actually stoked to do it, though - I need some motivation to do life drawings!! And I have so much spare time here and there to do it in, it's silly not to!!!
I have typography with an old, cool dude who loves rock and roll, but apparently is going to have us hand-write fonts and such. XD Oh man. XD He seems a good sport, though... XD
And OMG JOSH BISHOP IS MY PHOTOGRAPHY TEACHERRRRRR! XD I loved the past two classes I've had with him, so this is GREAT. XD I always tend to do WAAAY too much work for his class, but that's because I make it that way - and I'm sure he appreciates it... XD I love some of the projects that have come out of his classes the most... so yeah. XD
The only class I haven't had yet is philosophy, which should be... interesting. XD
OH YES AND I HAVE MOVED. D8 And my mom is being AWESOME and not guilting the living daylights out of me, and my dad's been helping me move things. My sister is probably taking it the hardest, wanting to hang out with me whenever I'm there, now. BUT SHE LOST MY COPIC MARKERS IN HER ROOM!!! WHAT??!!! So yeah, she's not borrowing anything else for awhile. : / My mom went in there and saved them for me, I am SOOO HAPPY. XD
I told Erin about this necklace I found a couple weeks ago that I'd lost for a long time, and then another chain I found in a box with a fairy on it, and she was saying that supposedly, fairies can be fickle things and take your stuff- or give it back. D: I'm assuming they didn't like that I hadn't shown my appreciation, and thought they had my markers... XD So I gave them some pound cake at circle as an offering, and I still owe them a zebra cake.. XD I was thinking about it at work when I remembered that my sister had borrowed them - so I'M saying it worked. It may sound like silly superstition, but sometimes.. I mean, how can you explain 'suddenly remembering' like that? XD So I need to show my appreciation that now my markers were found, and are now safe and sound, I should say... XD
Sorry for this post to be all over the place. XD It shall wander some more!
My house is great, my roommates and I are all getting along well (except I don't like the lack of organized kitchen) and I've been just working making sure everything of mine is all together where I want it. XD We had some bug issues in the beginning, and there's a lot of stuff that the other ASSHOLES who rented this place before us did, which we're having to deal with. *sigh*. People can be such jerks. There's a vomit stain on our carpet, for chrissakes. That's just nasty.
And honestly, though my family has been pretty surprisingly cool about everything while I'm moving, I noticed all the usual bickering when I got home, and I'm so glad I don't have to deal with it. It's just... unnecessary stress. :/
On the plus side, my sister's in color guard and going to band camp, so that's really exciting! Things like that.
And my job - my manager, anyway - is really understanding about school, and she says if it gets to be too much, just let them know - because my education is more important than this job. I'm half tempted to just give them my two weeks now, but like the masochist I am, I'm going to stick it out for another week and see what happens. Saturday this past weekend was OK, but Sunday was too much... and I'm not going to get any homework done if my family wants to hang every spare second I have, and augh! XD
Well, we'll see.
It seems like it's going to be a busy semester, but I'm so SO eager to get better at what I do. And I'm SOOOOO glad I have internet now so I can post things, and tell you all about it!! XD