Ok. Today...
*Failed at internet shopping, a lot. Everything looks shifty, is out of stock, or is going to take forever to get here, in some combination of those three.. I think I'm going to try some IRL costume stores, and see what's left after the Halloween carnage.
*researched cosplay things
*Got my pants and jacket pinned up for altering- YAY FOR JACKET DARTS AND A WAISTBAND THAT FITS
*Traced the old pillbox hat pattern I had (so I didn't cut it) and cut out the interfacing, which was too short, but eh, I can piece that little section together.... XD
Also, I talked to my mom, because she was looking spaced/pissed. And yeah. It was because I was sorta-talking to her yesterday about moving, and now dad was looking up loans, and she was just 'hurrrrgh' about it. : / But, after her initial 'I don't want you to move out because it's stupid' and 'you were practically begging me to leave, is it that bad?' I think she calmed down, and we actually had a civil conversation about it. XD Thank god. That intro scared me.
Basically, she doesn't want me taking out a lot of money and getting into a lot of debt, like she did, if I can help it- that's why it would be stupid. But I think... once I explained that my reason for leaving wasn't personal, it was that I wanted to, you know, be able to go home between classes, and have a place of my own, things like that, she understood- because she too used to get 'stranded' downtown- and she didn't really have friends to hang out with like I do. : |
But, our financial situation is not that good right now, prospectively, because Dad's job - and the place where he works itself - are in jeopardy. So, she REALLY doesn't want to be shelling out the cash for it. She said flat out, she was not going to cosign for a loan that I didn't need that she was going to have to pay in the future, because what if I couldn't pay it off? Dad could sign for it, but not her. She didn't want to be responsible. D: Way to be supportive. But, it is understandable...
In the beginning of this conversation, she was also like 'if you want to move, then FINE' and I said 'I REALLY don't want to leave with you being angry. I don't... gah...' But... I think that's kind of where the conversation turned around.
She finally said, she was wondering why I was wanting to live in the dorms, and not an apartment.
I said, 'um... because I thought you guys didn't WANT me living in an apartment.' 'Well, for the first year, yeah, because you didn't know anybody...' XD
It was my dad who thought it would be better if I lived in a dorm, since they had security, utilities, etc. I thought my mom kinda agreed, thinking it'd be easier. But really, now that I know people, she's like 'hey sure, if you want to get a place with your friends... I just didn't want you moving in with a bunch of random people who you didn't know.'
So... Hey guys.... 8D *cheesy grin*
She also seems way LESS cool with me sharing an apartment with 3 total strangers in a dorm, than in an apartment with NOT total strangers. lol. SO... WOW.
She said she'd be fine with helping me out, money wise, with things- of course. (which I'm like 'wait... change in attitude...?') Like food, etc. And also, that she'd be fine with helping me buy a car and pay the insurance. Which is... sweet. D: So yeah.
I told her 'All I ask for is some help, and your blessing. Really, that's all I want.' And... I think... that's what she gave me.
She just doesn't want to think about me moving right now, because it's going to be the holidays, and with all the spending and stress that comes with that, this is a lot to add to it. And I can understand that. It's stressing ME out for sure.
I have the beginnings of a plan.
I'm going to hang here for awhile, and not spend that extra 4,000 bucks for next semester, because, really, I don't need to.
Get on the ball, and get a job (weekends and/or winter break would be nice)
Learn to drive, get a car.
Look into apartments GRADUALLY. We can start looking now, really... hmm.
Rek's lease'll be up in July...
Amy... where are you living? How with who and what and ?????
I guess, I'm asking- what are you guys' living arrangements and plans, and... does anyone want to live with me? Because, um, hey, I'm cool with living with you guys. 8D
DDDDDDDDDDDDD8 Omigod. What is this shit.
*boot to the head*
That's about how I feel right now.
I am utterly stunned.
I think that once she saw I was flexible, and not just 'well, I'm moving out like this and this,' but I actually listened to her suggestions, and let her know WHY I wanted to move (not so I could have friends over and party, no.) and recognized that living on my own was not going to be all peaches and cream all the time, she started to understand and treat me like I WAS an adult and not a child. As she said, we don't get to talk a lot. So there's OBVIOUSLY massive miscommunications- we laughed and shook our heads for a good five minutes about the whole 'You can live in an apartment' 'LOLWUT!!!' situation. I'd forgotten my mom's reasons for not wanting me to do so, and they apparently trump my dad's reasons. XD
Oh man.
And, my mom gradually lowered her defenses of 'You're being stupid, nononononono.' and started to become more... human. She stated her reasons, which were understandable, and her concerns, and I understood her more too. She just doesn't want me digging a hole for myself in debt if I don't have to. And..yeah.
If I can live in an apartment, with people I know and like, for cheaper (and less crazily regulated - no sign-in ftw!! - plus, their bureaucracy is INSANE) than campus housing... I'm for that. And my mom's for that.
I'm just glad negotiations went well, and we've come to an agreement of sorts. A meeting of minds anyway. And... life is HOPEFULLY going to be a lot easier around here, if my mom isn't as stressed out about me and AT me, I'm not going to be as stressed out about finding a place on my own- as in, not having to feel like I'm going against everyone to do it - and... knowing there's an exit strategy in place. ;D Instead of constant, endless fighting and discord.
I'm going to move out in the near future. It's not all or nothing anymore. I'm not facing an eternity of being at home, nor the prospect of pissing off my family and leaving on bad terms.
Oh thank god. Thank god.
Don't know where to go from here, but do schoolwork, and prepare for the very near future (Nekocon) and then start preparing for the slightly-more distant future after that- jobs and cars and things, that final project in animation class, asking people about housing... :3
Alright. I can calm down. I have time, and support...
Maybe I won't feel so trapped, knowing I can and will leave. I don't think it's sunk in yet.
But yeah- still have work to do. Wrkwrkwrk. So I gotta get back to it.
GAH I want to sleep. :/ Nnng.