Pretty much your daily dump of things on my brain. Today we have:
Shaun of the Dead (ZOMGGG!!!)
(and subsequent lessons on foul language and techno)
More Songs in German
(and subsequent language fun!!! XD )
Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts Mac doesn't tell you about. >:[
A Converse Ad
Lulz-worthy Zelda Thing
And some Ramones
We had Comedy Central on today, in the background of all things going on in my house, and something interesting was on... the cinematography caught my eye...
It was Shaun of the Dead.
I'd never seen it, but heard it was really good.
So now I seen'd it. And it WAS really good - SOOOO GOOOOD. 8D
It's like your classic horror movie, but with chunks of parody, and weird goofy moments, and... they actually say the things you're thinking, like "WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOOT HIM???" And it's British, which generally means it'll be dipped in awesomesauce. It's rather cheeky, I'd say.
I was thinking about it, and... it's just my sort of movie. Where it can make you cry one second, laugh the next, and then stare in confusion for a bit... It's one of those that doesn't fit into one category. Although I guess it's considered a comedy, it had plenty of serious moments too, and it was mightay gory. :B Burhurhur...
But I thought, in that serious/silly thing, it was sort of like Hellsing. Where it gets to the point of being RIDICULOUS, all whilst LOOKING serious, and then someone quips something, and then you tell it isn't taking itself seriously at all. If that makes sense. :P
I guess it's not a STUPID comedy. It's actually a good movie, that manages to be funny and scary at the same time. NICE.
But good movie. Average guy tries to save everyone from zombie apocalypse... nice.
I especially liked in the beginning, when he was so tied up in everything, he didn't even realize all the weird things going on... :3 And then when everything's changed for the worse, and he doesn't even notice, because he's so pissed off/depressed about his girlfriend... ohmigudness.
I also learned, through talking with mom about the movie, that the word "twat" is... not really... erm, POLITICALLY CORRECT. I heard it listening to Gorillaz people talking, and I'm pretty sure Monty Python or Eastenders, but maybe I'm just thinking things. Anyway, I figured it meant what the dictionary here says:
a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
So, watching the movie, they had their voices muted on curse words, but I could see them mouth it. So I was asking mom, I was like "I don't know why, but they were bleeping out 'twat'"
She explained, and I finally got the full definition:
twat |twät|
noun vulgar slang
a woman's genitals.
• a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: of unknown origin.
Ooops. >_> So yeeeaaah. I'm pretty sure I've used it unassumingly. Shit.
But seriously, it's like calling someone a dick. : / Though if it was bad enough to be bleeped, I dunno. But CURSE YOU CURSE WORDS. FOREIGN CURSE WORDS.
Oh well.
by Zombie Nation, lol...
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This was playing while Shaun was riding on the bus. :P I nearly had a fit, I was like HEY I KNOW THIS SONG OMGOAPJGLAKG. Dunno if it's just popular, or if I heard it from you, Erin? But I digs it anyhoo...
Songs in German.
Since I was on a kick of them last night, and I think Em was talking about languages... and she's going to take German next year. So a couple came to mind.
Du Hast.
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Rammstein, you rock my socks. XD
I heard this in another movie on Comedy Central, lol, and I thought - "HEEEEY... I think I've heard this..." So I went to look it up.
From Wikipedia:
The whole song is a play on German wedding vows.
The refrain ("Willst du, bis der Tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle Tage?") translates to "Will you, until Death separates you, be faithful to her forever?" Instead of answering with "ja" ("yes"), the singer says "nein" ("no"), finally breaking his silence earlier in the song: "Du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt", which translates to "You asked me, and I said nothing."
As stated earlier, the English version of Du Hast is not translated, but changed altogether ("Du hasst" (du haßt) means "you hate". The extra "s" differentiates it from the conjugated verb form of haben (to have).
[edit] Interpretation
The title is commonly interpreted as "You Hate", but can be considered as a play on words: "Du hast" means 'you have', while the homophonous "du haßt (du hasst)" means 'you hate'. The pun is illustrated by a comparison of the German version, a literal English translation, and the band's non-literal English version of the song.
The wedding vow is sung word-by-word many times, each line with subtle ironic meanings:
* Du: You
* Du hast: You have
* Du hast mich: You have me
* Du hast mich gefragt: You have asked me
* Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt: You have asked me and I have not answered.
As often with Rammstein songs, slight modifications reveal more of the intentions of the lyrics.
* Willst du, bis der Tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle Tage?: Will you, till Death splits you, betrow her for all her days?
The song thus reveals that a man has been asked by a woman to marry her. This is repeated three times.
* Willst du, bis zum Tod, der scheide, sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen?: Will you, till death splits you, love her also in her bad days?
If the line is sung as "Tod der Scheide" it would be not "till death, that shed (split)," but literally "till death of the scabbard," where "scheide" is a common synonym for vagina, as "scheide" will be changed from a verb to a noun.
Finally, the last three words ("für alle Tage") of the first question are skipped, to leave the meaning "Will you be faithful to her?"
AAAGH I'm such a language nerd. I find it all SOOO interesting...
And then that reminded me of
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Not by Rammstein, but by E Nomine...
I didn't think it was the former, because of the Latin..?
Anyway, I'm putting this up, because... well, it was one of the first AMV's I saw, at the first AMA I went to, back in '04. It pretty much owned the competition, and it was awesome. I just wish this clip had better quality...
And it sounds SOOOOOOOO much better with theater-style speakers blasting...
But anyway. It was what inspired me to make an AMV in the first place...
And hey, Vampire Hunter D. :D MADHOUSE now officially owns my soul. I need to see this show... And I also can rest assured that Hellsing's in good hands...
Lyrics: These lyrics actually fit perfectly with what is going on in the video. It's not like they were bullshitting anything, which is nice... And what an interesting song... I wonder if it was about vampires...? 0_0 Or just something similar...
Also, something helpful my sister realized today. On a Mac - well, at least our Macbook - you can zoom in on the screen!!! D8
And it makes Manga reading a tad easier, but the pixellation irks me a tad too...
Option-Apple- and then + or - (next to the delete key) zooms in and out. Option-Apple-8 will turn zoom off, and pushing it again will turn it back on.
Also, one of my favorites is apple-shift-4, which gives you a crosshair, and lets you screencap a selection on the screen. Apple-shift-3 caps the whole screen.
... I wish they told you these things outright... : [
Converse Ad
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Was nifty and on my television. I dig how they broke down video, and made it look like animation/paper cutouts... I dunno. Is spiffy.
And this is SO full of lulz. XD's not real, but this trailer was cool enough. :P
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I was LOOKING for scans of the manual we have for the original Zelda, but apparently we have some super-nice-ancient player's guide? Because this is what I've found... ---> which is not what we have. Grrr.... I want to find this ONE picture that's missing now, that showed where Link kept all his crap... AGH where is it...
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Found thanks to Rek's comic, The Green Room.
It's nifty, y'all should check it out if you haven't already. :3
Ugh, actually kinda how I feel. : /
"Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do and nowhere to go-o-oh I wanna be sedated
Just get me to the airport put me on a plane
Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
Oh no no no no no....."
All I did today was.. watch Shaun of the Dead, clean in the living room, vacuum, and clear out a few books from the hell-pile next to my bed. They're mostly gone now.
But shit, I need to get more things done tomorrow. : /
The bank transfer still hasn't gone through... so that means it probably won't be today, either, as it's Sunday. Damn weekends. Lol. XD
Mom wants to see Shaun of the Dead too. So I'll probably be heading out to CVS, and I'll buy a tape, since it's gonna be on again today at 2:30 PM. Because I want to keep it too, lol. XD
And it's late AGAIN! 8D I fail. But seriously, I didn't get a chance to get on the computer until nearly 2 AM, so... yeah...
Not fair... :P