
Aug 03, 2011 16:41

I was busy rushing around for a whole week being *gasp* sociable
and the heat was terrrrrrrrible
and then I was hit with feeling kind of bleeegh sick for another week and eating terribly because my stomach wouldn't accept food right, and getting randomly down in the dumps (I blame hormones, and I want to fix this as soon as I get a job :/)
and then I was helping friends move lol.

Now I'm trying to eat better again, because I was kind of scaring myself. Getting art done again. Looking for jobs again. Hanging out with said friend who moved every night (yeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhh!) because she doesn't have internet in the new place. (not yeaaaaaah :[) Trying to clean up my house, finally put up pictures and posters (some will have to wait on frames) Also, oh man my corkboard exploded

But isn't it kind of a thing of beauty? Combination of stuff that used to be up there and new stuff- some new prints from Shy Custis and Coey Kuhn (they were doing a grab-bag sale through tumblr), art flyers from around town, prints and art from cons, con badges, postcards from friends' summer adventures, and postcards from museums (VMFA favorites, Picasso, stuff from the Freer gallery in DC) The Arabic is actually my name, written when we had a 'Qatar day' at my school (we have a sister school in Qatar.) Art Nouveau by Mucha and Conley. :P The framed print is something from Solid & Etc. I printed myself... I kind of feel like I should send her a donation or something for it. I've really liked having it on my board for the past couple years. :P

Life's pretty good. Friends are awesome, both near and far - they're making me both laugh my ass off and get motivated to kick said ass into gear. I am feeling like I'm dragging a bit behind people, since I still need to learn to drive, get a job, get so much arting done... but I suppose I'll get there if I keep trying. And I WILL keep trying.

health, daily life, work, art

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