Sep 13, 2007 18:56
We're more sure (notice the wording on that!) that we're going to Colorado Springs in December now. More sure is still the wording because nothing is ever sure with the army... but at least Kyle is NOT going to Fort Drum and therefore not going to Iraq in February. I had a talk with Dr. Alt yesterday and she said to let her know when I find out for sure because she has contacts in Colorado Springs and she can help me get a job! I was like wow!! I feel so flattered that she thinks that much of me to actually help me find a job. Lesson to be learned: stay on her good side no matter what!
JT started kind of figuring out some of his toys. I don't know what it's called but there are these donut things that go on a ring... and today he started taking the donuts off and putting them back on! Basically, hand-eye coordination!! Yay! I was so proud of him!! He got frustrated when he couldn't figure it out, but then he was so happy when he got it! =)