#16 (Light) - Tanabata

May 06, 2011 23:44

Title:  Tanabata
Author: seinakyou
Theme: Set #1, Theme #16, Light
Genre(s):  Angst, Humour, Friendship
Character: Miroku
Pairings: Implied Inuyasha/Kagome
Word Count:  318
Rating: K+
Summary: When Orihime and Hikoboshi meet, all the other stars in the sky pale in comparison.

They sing her praises to the heavens around her: Orihime, Weaver Princess, saviour to us all. Orihime, Weaver Princess, beauty of the heavens. Orihime, Weaver Princess, she who we love, she who we protect. Orihime: our light, our love, our poor forlorn princess.

No one sings her praises more than he, though, her bodyguard. He who stands by her side, always. He who sings for her, makes her laugh, always. Always. Always and forever, he swears to her reverently and means it all the time and she laughs and tells him he’s sweet.

Orihime just doesn’t love him, not like that.

No, he thinks bitterly, no she loves Hikoboshi: Hikoboshi, who saved his life, Hikoboshi who let him stay by her side, that man who he wishes he could be and knows he could never replace even if something were to go wrong.

And somehow he knows this isn’t right.

He gets one night with her, one fancy free evening out of 365, and yet he has her, her undying devotion and her love.  He’s got her for every other day, and yet that man is always on her mind.

Orihime and Hikoboshi. A match made in heaven. A match made for the stars, for the moon, for the open sky, for the running river and the singing cicadas. A match made so perfectly that he knows he’ll never fit in between them, the two brilliant stars. He’s nameless, he’s so far away he can’t even be seen from earth, so completely unimportant that he never gets a name.

Well, not never.

With Orihime and Hikoboshi he is the nameless protector.

With Altair and Vega he stands behind them, grinning all the while.

Miroku glances at his companions, and then back into his bottle.

At least, he thinks wryly, I have a name this time, and then he downs the rest of the bottle in one, spectacular gulp.

Author's Note: Yes, I will write something that's just about Miroku soon. I'm going through a shipping kick right now, I suppose.

set #1 theme #16: 光 - Light, claim : miroku, rating: g, author : seinakyou

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