How positively Lovely, i daresay.
Methinks that a yearbook is out of the question,now.
Also my reasearch is now ruined!
How could i possibly take notes on Lolita without those ever important LiveJournal
debates on weither or not to go mainstreem
or what could possible describe the style!
Oh, me?
What would I say Lolita is..?
An Escape from everyday life.
An escape to a world of sweets, friends, love, and the simple but wonderous things in life
all the while doing so in such an adorable, elegant, and kidlike way
it's more cute than elegant to me, maybe because i like amarori the best
All by myself in lolita, im almost compelled to make a pot of tea and clean my room,and sew.
Act like an elegant, proper lady.
But when with others in lolita , weather there lolitas or not lolitas
Im just me
whoever 'me' actually is.
Maybe the composed, loli me is the real one
or maybe the crude, teenager, attention-seeking me with colorful language and actions
could, just maybe be the real me.
Oh so much work to be done..
i must draw a tea cup with its saucer in impeccible detail (because it is my standard to do such)
I also must complete a self-portrait, which i have no idea how to draw likenesses. the contours of my own face
much less! sice i can't very well look at myself often enough to know how to do that.
The mental image of myself is probably much prettier than i actually am, as my confidence is much too high
all because a few guys fancy me...
Then i must complete my ill-worded application form and search for two other formidable drawings ive competed...
oh my, too much work to be blogging, don't you agree?
Since 4th period today, I've had this soul thought
"Oh maiden, advance with a sword and a rose."
from the English G&LB volume 3.
and interpreting just that.
though I've nothing yet,
trying to think what something actually means is hard..
though to use pretty words with a closed heart is easy
I so very much wish i was victorian..
though the proper role of a woman and the corsetts pulled ever so tight all day is
a bit offsetting...
Im so very sorry for changing topics so suddenly...
but i suppose thats just me..
How would i define myself..?
i guess thats not yet important..
Ah, i doubt any one will have attempted to read this, since its deffinately
the longest blog entry thusfar..
and i've no comments for about two entrys or something of the sort..
well, have a nice day