Alles neu macht der Juni.

Jun 24, 2009 19:39

Well, seems like this is the month of change.

First of all, I finally figured out what to do re the whole molecular biology mess. Solution: I'm not going to take it up again, but stick with English and sign up for what they call Transcultural Communication - which is really translation. For that, I have to pick two languages (other than German) to study. One's English, obviously. I'm not so sure about the other one. I can't pick Japanese, sadly. After eliminating the languages I'm either not interested in or that have very limited job opportunities, I'm down to Spanish and Arabic.

Aaaand I can't decide. I mean, I'm already familiar with Spanish and I know it's not exactly the most difficult of languages. Arabic, on the other hand, I have no clue about at all, other than what I know through my mom who's taking Arabic classes. She gave me her teacher's phone number so that I can call her and talk about it all a bit but the question still remains - do I really want to take up anther completely foreign language again? What with Japanese and all? Is that even doable?

Then again, as sweet and charming as Spanish is, it's like... I really do want to learn it properly one day, but I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my LIFE working with it. And Arabic, with the diglossia and endless local variations, simply won't ever stop being challenging and fascinating. But... it's also and assload of work and it all freaks me out a tad.


There are also some other personal changes going on at that moment. I'm... not sure I should post about them just yet. I'm not even sure what they are.

On a more positive note OMFG NEW HAIRCUT! I shall post a picspam of it in all its 20s glory. This is the shortest my hair's ever been. I'm not quite used to it BUT THE 20S GOODNESS, OH MY!

ETA: Also, behold teh new layout! The only thing I don't like is that it goes all weird if you view journal entires individually/post a comment. If that just my browser.

japanese = headasplodey, personal stuff, randomness, i have no life

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