oooo dear god!!!

Jul 03, 2004 12:00 here goes the events of the lauren sleep over last night...
our plan was to sneak out of the house and meet up with steve so we could get trashed last night...
initially our plan was to sneak out from downstairs and just climb out of the un-alarmed window, but then my mom didnt end up going to bed until about 1:00 in the as a new plan so we wouldnt wake her up cause she was a light sleeper was to climb out of the spare bedroom window in the 3rd floor (the room that has the remenants of my brothers old room in it) and then climb down and jump from there...which would be about a 7-8 ft drop...not so bad...
so we waited till my mom was in her room...then gave it about 20 minutes so she would be asleep enough so we could manuver around the 3rd floor without her wondering what all the noise was...
we went into the spare room...took out the screen and lauren climbed through first, then i followed with the screen and re-attached it to the window...there was no going back from there...
then it was easy enough climbing downt to the lowest part of my roof...which is the area right above my front door...that little room that has the two large windows on either side...then we looked down, and i noticed how high we
then as we were sitting there trying to figure out how to jump...steve was walking by to go to the place where we told him to meet he walked over to the roof and was gonna help us get down...
he went over to where the part of the roof slanted...behind the bush which was blocking the window of that lil room thing going to my front door...
lauren got down...i had her hands and she lowered herself down to steve who caught her...
next it was my turn...i had to do most of it myself cause there was no one up there to hold my naturally i was getting paranoid that i was gonna it took me a while...steve had my feet and lauren was telling me there was only a drop left that was about my height...wonderfull...
so eventually i mustered up my courage and grabbed the very end of the roof as tight as i could and lowered myself down (scratching the hell out of my stomach on the shingles)and as i was almost down, dangling from the side of the roof and steve holding on to me, my face in the window, my mom opened the front door and peeked out looking directly into my eyes...
not knowing what to do and slowly realizing how fucked i was...i said "hi mom" and jumped the rest of the way down which was about 2-3 ft
she told me and lauren to get in the house...and steve tried to walk off without being noticed...but my mom asked him who it was cause she didnt know...and that was the end of that...steve got off with nothing...phew
me and lauren were standing in the house infront of the stairs and my mom (still with the shocked angry disbelief face on)told us to go upstairs. then we just went hurredly up to my room and laid down in bed, lauren was scared that my mom was gonna start screaming and i was laughing hysterically...cause im insane and thats what i do in situations like that...
my mom came up stairs and shut the window that we climbed out of, then went back downstairs without coming into my room...
we sat there trying to get our story straight for about the next 2 hours...then i called matt to tell him what just happened to our dumb asses...then we were contemplating a whole bunch of things that would have been soooo much smarter to do instead jump off the in steve just hand us the vodka and climb our asses back in the window and just get drunk in the r we stupid!!! the things we will do for stoots and vodka...
he was TRASHED...and about an hour or so after i got off the phone with him he called back and said hello...not remembering any of the conversation we had kid...
so anyways...we eventually fell asleep before my sisters got home...dreading the morning thinking my mom was gonna come in and wake us up with a yelling fit...
but that didnt happen...she just poked her head in and asked me what time i needed to be in work...then left...
lauren had to get home by noon so at 11 she gathered her stuff and cautiously walked downstairs and i told my mom that i was gonna walk her to the train mom smiled and said ok...then said goodbye to lauren...
(i was gonna die of fright when that mom just loves to play those psychotic head games)
we walked to the train station trying to figure out what the fuck she was doing...then i said goodbye to lauren and walked back to my house dreading returning to it...
as soon as i got in the door and infront of the stairs my mom confronted me with her evil glare...and the yelling began...she started with asking me what the fuck we were doing...
i told her the story me and lauren worked out...i told her that we were just gonna sit out on the roof cause we couldnt sleep, and i closed the screen so the bugs wouldnt get in the house...but then we got stuck out there cause we couldnt get the screen back off the we called steve to come help us down off the roof...then she caught us...
she semi-bought it
she is still skeptical...
she told me i was grounded and that lauren is never allowed to sleep over here again...and said she was dissapointed with my knowledge of safety and that if one of us fell that she would be responsible and blah blah blah
wow...we couldnt have been more fucking retarded to do that...
my mom told me about her side of the story, she said she got up to set the alarm and she heard voices outside and thought it was dina and jenn coming home, but then noticed what time it was and figured it couldnt have been them, so she opened the door to see who it was...and there i was hanging from the fuckin roof...
anyways...right now my mom went out shopping for food cause my aunt and the new jersians r coming over for the weekend...
matt and his parents r coming down today to check out shant's car and put the downpayment on it...and they might be stopping by here on their way home to meet me and my parents...
wont that be fun after what happened last
im still in shock that that even happened...thats incredibly fucked was too perfect to be true...then again i just look at my stomach and see the scratch marks and figure it must have not been a dream...theres a bunch of needles from the bushes next to the window scattered in my bed...cause we didnt even bother getting changed or anything after that...we just laid here stunned...and talked to a few people online ...they all laughed at us...
i was hysterically laughing at our dumb asses till i fell asleep...
my sisters heard the story this morning and brought me outside to show them what exactly we did (dina wanted a visual of this....LMAO), she was pissed she didnt come home a lil earlier to see it...
well im gonna go clean my room now and do some good stuff so my mom wont be pissed at me all day long and make sure she wont not let matt and his parents stop by...
if u read this incredibly long post i applaud post something and tell us how retarded we both were...
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