Almost out of NEET-hood

Sep 05, 2012 20:55

Ah, I've been pretty neglectful in updating this! So sorry, my darling, I'll try to work harder on you. There have been a lot of things going on that I should probably post about, like that clubbing night (which I should get around to doing sometime) and Itameshi and karaoke night and all.

But I guess this, at least, deserves its own post.

I'm on my way to getting my first job! Saying this because I accepted the job offer and I'll just have to fix a few things like my SSS and such, and then I'll be starting work next week.

I'm pretty excited, haha. It's my first job after all. I don't know when this excitement will die down, when hour to hour-and-a-half commutes will start losing their thrill (I'm betting pretty soon for that one), but for now, I'm excited to be productive and an asset to society and to my family.

I don't really know what to say except that it all seems so fast and at the same time, not. It's like it's been a long time coming, but I've waited for it so long that now seems just right.

Gotta fix my sleeping schedule for good now, and gotta get used to a regular schedule of obligations once again. Still, I'm looking forward to it. And the pay, of course, but the experience itself, too. I hope to find a way to balance everything and still enjoy life.

Too hopeful? Maybe, but I'll hold on to this happy feeling for as long as I can.

~ Seiko-chan

working girl

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