Argh, this cold

Jan 18, 2011 21:46

7 Deadly Sins Challenge

Day 1 - Pride: 7 great things about yourself
Day 2 - Envy: 7 things you lack and covet
Day 3 - Wrath: 7 things that piss you off
Day 4 - Sloth: 7 things you neglect to do
Day 5 - Greed: 7 worldly material desires
Day 6 - Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures
Day 7 - Lust: 7 love secrets

DAY FIVE; geiz || seven worldly material desires

❶ This was an answer for Day 2, but I'll repeat it again because I want them so much: pretty clothes. I want dresses and frills and ribbons and pretty stockings and shoes and bows and accessories and everythiiing. I will steal Orange Caramel's costumes if I have to.
➋ Sound Horizon, Perfume and SHINee albums. I don't need them, but I want them. Really really badly.
➌ Nintendo 3Ds! So much want omg I can just imagine playing already nrgh.
➍ My own car, I suppose. I don't really have a dream car like other people because I only started paying attention to cars recently, but zippy little cars look nice. A Jazz or a Vios, maybe. Or a pick-up truck omg. *A* I want one with Kyle's sound system - it's my dream to drive around Tomas Morato looking for a place to eat while blasting Perfume's "Zero Gravity" or "GAME" or "edge" from the speakers.
➎ My own Kumyoung karaoke box. Scratch that, my own karaoke room complete with HD TV, surround sound system, awesome microphones, airconditioning system, tambourines and endless food and drinks and up-to-date song lists.
➏ To traipse around the world without giving a damn. I want to live it up in Europe, shop crazily and boy hunt in Hong Kong, chase concerts in Japan, chase kangaroos in Australia, etc.
➐ Taemin Chinen Revo More lenses for Rosa Guine Avalon, the beautiful family DSLR camera. ♥


I caught my brother's cold. I can feel the sore throat coming on and my nose is already a little stuffy, but I can't find the medicine. =_=

Skipped yesterday because I was working on mah report! Which went pretty well, I hope. I liked my readings. *A*

Being sick sucks.

~ Seiko-chan

sound horizon, sickness, must control spending, meme, perfume, shinee, shopping, i wish i were rich, hong kong

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