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Jan 07, 2010 00:52

Whew! Just finished moving a whole bunch of furniture, spent the last 7 hours doing so. I am hella beat. But WHOOO!!! Dennis is moved in!

He brought in a bunch of his stuff today, barring furniture of course (that little Sentra only has so much room). He is contributing all kinds of amazing cookware which friggin' rawks. Also an LCD TV and an XBox 360, which will make living room shenanigans all the more a thrill. Times are looking great! :)

The beardy is now moved out into the living room where I think she will be quite happy despite the ferrets being close neighbors (she's not too phased by the move thus far, which is yay). Todd's desk, bed, armoir and bookshelf are all here in the main room now, and my desk is now by the window which is already doing wonders for the claustrophobia of being in the opposite corner away from aforementioned window. I don't think we could do anything different to make this room any more awesome. It is the best configuration and comfortable cohabitation situation possible. I'm so frickin' jazzed! X3

Dennis should have his furniture coming in Saturday, but I may be MIA as I'm visiting a friend tomorrow through POSSIBLY Sunday. I have a hunch I'll come home to more welcome changes.

I'm so glad Dennis is here now. :>
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