No. No I'm not going to want to test for my permit when I've only had the manual for one evening, sister dearest. If you had let me see the thing at any point this last week, then maybe yes. But you didn't. You handed it over last night and then came in to tell me two hours later that, "oh, yeah, I told Mom we can take the test tomorrow. Are you ready for it?"
Because the answer will be, "No. I'm not."
Just because I've been doing some studying on the internet doesn't mean I'm ready for it, either. The Oregon permit test has trick questions. Questions that the book helps you avoid. And they just changed the laws recently so I'd prefer to be taking the test with up-to-date knowledge, thanks.
And don't throw a hissy fit just because I asked if we could wait one more day so I could at least give the manual a run-through. It's one more day. It's not going to kill you, I promise.
I did ask you for the book. I asked you for the book three times this week. You always said to wait until you were finished. Yes, you did say that, don't tell me you didn't because I was there.
Sister, I love you, but sometimes...
School starts up again after this weekend. I'll have to go back to having a responsible sleeping schedule and still managing to feel more exhausted than when I stay up until five in the morning and wake up six hours later. Why can't school start at noon? I could work with that.
I'm nervous as hell over this trimester, though. It's my last one before I have to start on college applications and, from what I've been told, the one that matters the most should the colleges care to look at your grades. Nervous because, to be honest, this year hasn't been going so good grade wise. There's no mid-line. I'm either getting A's or I'm getting D's. I haven't failed a class yet, thankfully, and I'm managing to hold on to having A's in most of my classes and the ones that matter. My grade point average is actually fairly decent too, but...
Oh well.
I just have to calm myself down before this trimester and not start freaking out and dropping work again, is all. I get to take programming again! And my counselor finally listened to me and put me with a Pre-Calc/Trigy teacher I can understand. I'm taking economics too, which should actually be fairly easy while still making me feel like I'm learning something and not wasting my time (which, Art class, I loved you but...)
And. AP Lang and Comp. My nemesis.
Actually, after my performance on my final in that class for last trimester, I'm feeling far more comfortable. So.
On top of all that and Health...I think I'm going to be doing okay this trimester. I missed programming, as frustrating and occasionally boring as it could sometimes get. I love that class.
Strangely enough, I'm not looking forward to JROTC this trimester. That class has gone from being my favorite thing about the school year to just another stressor. I like being on staff and working as S-5 (well, okay, actually I don't like working as S-5 but I do like being on staff) but I'm starting to have a hard time remembering what was so fun about it.
But maybe that's just the formal inspection talking. Once that's over with...well, only another half a month to go and I'll see. I hate those staff meeetings with a passion.
This'll be an interesting Trimester, at least. I'm sort of looking forward to it.
Wow this post got huge. Erm. Well.
...How about a meme that I found tucked away in my Word files?
A. "Has my portrayal of a character(s) changed the way you think of him/her?"
B. Pick one of my characters and I'll answer the following questions about him or her.
1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
3. What do they dream about?
4. What’s their biggest fear?
5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
6. What is their fondest memory?
7. What is their worst memory?
8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.
9. What do they believe makes a successful life?
10. What makes them laugh?
11. What are their religious views?
12. What is their greatest strength?
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
14. Who is the most important person in their life?
15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?
Fic or RP. I don't really care either way.
EDIT: My sister got her permit I'm so proud of her heeee~
(WARNING: If you live anywhere near Oregon, clear the roads.)